Hungarian Village Society

By-Laws of the Hungarian Village Society

Article 1 - Membership

Section 1 Members
a) The members of the association, the Hungarian Village Society, as of February 3, 2003, shall be known as the "original members" of the Society.

Section 2 New Members
a) Membership shall be by application forwarded to the Society. Each application must be accompanied by the initial dues for the first year, if applicable. Names of new applicants shall be presented at each Society meeting for approval or disapproval.
b) All successful applicants shall be notified when they have been admitted to the Society. The initial dues of the unsuccessful applicants shall be returned to the applicant.

Section 3 Evidence of Membership
As evidence of membership, each member will be issued a membership card.

Section 4 Termination of Membership
a) Upon termination of membership for any reason, all rights, title, and interest which such member may have in and to the Society and/or its assets shall cease to exist and the former member or his/her heirs, assigns, executors, or personal representatives shall not be entitled to any compensation therefore. He/she shall forfeit all rights to use any emblem, insignia, or other designation stating that he/she is or was a member of the Society.
b) Membership shall terminate upon death, upon submittal of a formal resignation, or upon failure to renew the membership.
c) If delinquent dues are not paid pursuant to Article V, Section 3, membership shall terminate.

Section 5 Assignment of Membership
A membership in the Society cannot be assigned or transferred.

Article II - Officers

Section 1 Elected Officers
The officers shall consist of a Preside nt, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 2 President
The President shall be the principal executive officer and head of the Society and shall have control in the management of its business and affairs, subject to the approval of the membership. The President shall execute all papers, contracts and documents that may be required by or are necessary and proper to carry on the business of the Society. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society.

Section 3 Vice-President
The Vice-President shall preside over meetings of the Society in the absence of the President. In the absence or inability of the President to act, the Vice-President is vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President, and shall otherwise assist the President as required.

Section 4 Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall attend each meeting of the Society and keep a record of the business transacted and the votes upon any business done at any meeting. The Secretary shall perform all duties required by law or by the order of the President. The Secretary shall have oversight responsibility for the handling of all correspondence, filing and appropriate retention of all written records of the Society, and maintenance of an accurate record of all members including their names, addresses, telephone numbers, status of membership, and any other information of importance to the Society. The Secretary shall countersign
all papers, contracts, and documents requiring the signature of the President. On expiration of the Secretary's term of office, all books, papers, records, and other property of the Society in the Secretary's possession shall be turned over to the successor Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall oversee money management of the Society and payment of Society obligations upon proper authority in the form of checks, drafts, or cash. The Secretary/Treasurer shall supervise and control all keeping of the books and accounts of the Society and shall make such books and accounts available for inspection by the President, or any committee of members appointed for that purpose. The Secretary/Treasurer shall make reports monthly, or as otherwise required by the President, showing the financial condition of the Society. The Secretary/Treasurer shall oversee deposit of all funds of the Society in such bank or banks as may be designated by the Officers. The Secretary/Treasurer shall oversee collection of the initial fees and regular dues from the members. On expiration of the Treasurer's term of office, all books, papers, records, money, and other property of the Society in possession shall be turned over to the successor Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 5 Executive Board
a) The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and two members elected from the membership.

Section 6 Assignment of Duties
a) Except as provided in Section 3, nothing in this Article shall prohibit the assignment of a specific duty or duties of any officer to a committee, subcommittee or individual Society member; provided, however, that the assignment of the specific duty or duties is requested by the officer responsible.

Article III - Election of Officers

Section 1 Nominating Committee
a) The nominating committee shall consist of three (3) members of the general membership of whom only one may be an officers of the Society, and shall be appointed by the Executive Board in April.
b) The nominating committee shall nominate one (1) candidate for each office. No more than two (2) of these candidates shall be nominated from the three (3) members of the nominating committee.

Section 2 Election
a) The chairman of the nominating committee shall place in nomination the names of the three (3) candidates selected by said committee at the May meeting.
b) The President will then entertain nominations from the floor for each office.
c) Voting will take place at the June meeting. The chairman of the nominating committee shall tabulate the ballots, and announce the name of the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for each contested office and will announce the tally of votes. The President shall verify the accuracy of the tabulation, then discard the ballots.


Article IV - Meetings and Quorums

Section 1 Society Members - Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the members of this Society shall be held at a time and place to be selected by the President, and written and or e-mail and or telephone notice of such meeting shall be given to the members by an officer.

Section 2 Society Members - Special Meetings
Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the President, or by any five (5) members of the Society. Notice of all special meetings shall be given by the parties making the call therefor.

Section 3 Society Members - Meeting Notices
Notice of regular as well as special Society meetings shall be given by delivering to each member a notice of said meeting in writing, by e-mail or telephone, and the time and place, selected for the holding thereof, which notice shall specify the purpose and indicate the business that will come before the meeting. Such notice shall be delivered in person, mailed, e-mailed or phoned to each member at least one (1) week before the date of said meeting. No business shall be considered at a special meeting except that stated in the notice.

Section 4 Society Members - Voting Privileges
At all meetings, only those members present and eligible to vote shall be entitled to vote.

Section 5 Quorums
The quorum for each meeting is set forth in the Constitution.


Article V - Financial Matters

Section 1 Dues
All members shall pay initial dues of $12.00 upon becoming a member. Dues will be pro-rated for new members joining after February 1st.

Section 2 Payment of Dues
Annual dues for all members shall be payable by the first of February. The membership year shall be February 1st to January 31st. 

Section 3 Delinquencies
A member who shall have paid all initial dues and whose dues are not more than sixty (60) days delinquent, is a member of the Society in good standing.

Section 4 Approval of Expenditures
Expenditures over $100 (One Hundred Dollars) require approval of membership.

Article VI - Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order, revised, shall be the final authority as to Parliamentary Procedure of meetings of this Society, insofar as they do no conflict with any provisions of these By-Laws.

Article VII - Amendment and Repeal

By-Laws of the Society shall be amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present and voting. Any proposed change in the By-Laws shall be communicated to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of vote. The amendment or repeal of By-Laws may be proposed by the officers or membership.

Article VIII - Effective Date

The By-Laws are created as of February 3, 2003, and amended June 6, 2005, and June 4, 2007.

Posted by lynnerholmes on 11/12/2008
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