Hunters Chase Maintenance Association

Board of Directors Update I

Mar 12, 2008

On January 17, 2008, we held our Annual Hunters Chase Maintenance Association meeting at Scobee Elementary. However, we were unable to approve specific business that required at least 10 percent participation (either in person or by proxy) by Association members-we were eight members short of having a legal forum. Since the current Board of Directors wished to vacate their office due to personal reasons, we could not legally replace them through a voting process without having formed a legal forum. Therefore, on February 28, 2008, another meeting was held at Scobee Elementary where a legal forum was established, elections held, and required Association business was voted on and approved. The following new board members hold positions as indicated:

Vangie Velez - President
Leonard Minnala - Vice President
Duane Cruz - Secretary

As your newly elected Board of Directors, we wish to thank all of you who took time out to attend the meeting or signed proxies. We would also like to thank the out-going Board of Directors for their service and willingness to help us transition into our positions, and volunteering to continue to take an active role by participating in committees.

At the last meeting, you voiced your concerns and we heard you. For those of you who answered the door during our door-to-door contact, we also heard you and wrote down your concerns. The truth is that we share the same concerns, which is why we decided to volunteer for the job. We are especially thankful for the members who volunteered to serve on up-coming committees. If you have not already been contacted, you will be soon.

Since effective communication is vital to our success, we would like to keep everyone posted as to what is going on in our neighborhood and what your Board of Directors are doing for you. This page is one communication channel that we will be using to keep you informed. So let's start now.

Sunday, March 2, 2008: The Board held an initial meeting to establish priorities and discuss the following issues, goals, and ideas:

- Priorities:

- Financial accountability

- Neighborhood security

- Safety and speed issues, especially near our community park

- Neighborhood complaint and resolution system

- Specific Issues:

- Review all past and present financial reports for accuracy

- Review current procedures for collection of delinquent Association membership accounts and change as needed

- Obtain and review all current Association contracts. All expiring contracts will be subject to new competitive bids

- Increase effectiveness of COP program and noise abatement by soliciting more community involvement and police support. Vangie and Kara have been working this issue hard and have already been in contact with our local police, UTSA college staff, and SA City Code Compliance-we're now getting results!

- Conduct cost-effective analysis of procuring security cameras for key subdivision entry-ways and community park area.

- Initiate action to reduce speed near community park-project for Traffic Committee

- Future traffic congestion-due to development of new subdivision-and current road repair and lighting conditions on Woller Rd. We will be working with the Woller Creek Subd. Board to address this issue.

- Sidewalk repair on corner of Corian Park and Beacon Park-project for Traffic Committee

- Establish Committees: Attempt to contact volunteers to chair and form specific committees.

- Architectural Control Committee

- Social Committee


- Newsletter Committee/Volunteer

- Traffic Committee

The meeting lasted for three hours. The next planning session was scheduled for March 9, 2008.

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