Huston Lake Neighbors

thoughts on community building

Posted in: Cook Park
First of all, I've lived in my house for two years, and the newsletter I got in my door the other day was the first I'd ever heard of the association. I would have loved to attend the meeting, but becuase of the short notice, no chance. Earlier notification would be great next time. On communicty building, I like your idea on a parent's network. We are new parents and we don't know anyone around us who have children. I'd also like to add a babysitting network so parents like us can find
reliable babysitters. What do you think?

By sheila knight-fields
Thoughts on Babysitting

Sheila, I think it is a great idea to have parents with kids get together and share ideas on local babysitters in the cook park area. We also should organize events at the new cook park community center when it is complete. If you would like to getahold of me, then send me an email to:

By David Tinucci

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, my electronic skills are still
developing. We tried to get the meeting notice delivered earlier, but with volunteers, we were slowed by the snowstorm. I do have a copy of a video of the meeting; if you would like to view it, let me know (until I get better at this electronic communication, you might want to call me at 759-1730). I also have committed to try to post future newsletter articles to the homepage as soon as I write them, so
hopefully, you will be able to see them a few days earlier.

I have talked to E-Central, the people who provided our home page, and we will
try to develop a way to effect a babysitting network. In the mean time, I would love to talk to you about trying to develop a similar manual directory. Give me a call.

By Ron Petersen,
Babysitter names in neighborhood

My daughter and several of her friends that live in the neighborhood all attended the Red Cross babysitting training class last summer. The three of them have been trying to form a sort of "babysitting" club. They are all 12 years old and all live in the vicinity of Leyden and Jewell. Unfortunately the summer is almost over, but all three are still available for evening babysitting jobs during the week, or jobs on the weekend. If anyone needs a babysitter, e-mail me with the information and I can possibly help.

By Frank Fredericks
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