Huston Lake Neighbors

Hello Ruby Hill... is this thing on?

Posted in: Ruby Hill
  • Avatar
  • BrianM
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Denver, CO
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

I'm a new homeowner in the area and just looking to be involved, meet my neighbors (already doing that on a local level, though some folks don't seem too open to friendly greetings).  Seems like this place has been abandoned for the last 7 years or so though.


I'm here for the forseable future, so even if you read this post months from now, post up.







Are you still around?  I live close to Florida & Osage.  I agree with you 100%.  My wife and I are trying to get some people involved in the neighborhood.  I know it's been a year but send me a message at  I set up a group on facebook too:!/group.php?gid=89701036052 We are working on trying to get a crosswalk put in where Sanderson Gulch crosses W Florida Ave, having a holiday progressive dinner, securing a sponsor for Movies in Ruby Hill Park for 2011, maybe a charity race in the neighborhood or on the Platte River trail too.  We had a very successful block party this summer and the nieghborhood association always seems to have a very successful beggining and ending of year potlucks.   Hope to hear from you.



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