Dr. Steve Daeschner
Chairman Haddad
Ann Elmore
Larry Hujo
Stephen P. Imhoff
Joseph L. Hardesty
John D. Heyburn
Dottie Priddy
Jefferson County Board of Education
3332 Newburg Road
Louisville, KY 40218
The firing of Harold Fenderson, renowned principal of Central High School was an affront to the entire African American Community. The firing in the middle of the school year was without precedent and showed a callous disregard for the students well being who attend Central High School. This clearly was not putting "the kids first". Harold Fenderson is a well-respected educator who had reinstilled Pride at Central.
Harold Fenderson is a man of the highest moral character who motivates his students to excellence. With a 20-point achievement gap between the races for at least the last twelve years, it is incomprehensible to fire the only principal in your school system that defies the odds and has no gap between the races. His transgression even if true is minor and not sufficient to cause an immediate firing. The calculated action taken against Principal Fenderson was a continued pattern of continuing to treat the African American Community with disrespect. The only way to correct what appears to be another episode of injustice is to reinstate Harold Fenderson immediately as Principal of Central High School.
Sincerely yours,