Dear Idlewild South Residents,
The last two years have been an interesting experience. I met more neighbors than I thought possible. With the help of some wonderful people, I participated in some neighborhood improvement projects. I learned a lot about how local government works ?– and doesn't work! As my term of office ends, I thank all of you who stepped up to the plate to help when we needed a hand. As with any organization, there is a lot more to be done. As the new leadership takes over, I hope you will consider giving some time and effort to the ISNA. The underlying motivation in any project we take on is, "Will this maintain or increase our property values?" I've learned this: The people of each individual neighborhood have to band together to maintain and improve their own situation. If we wait on City Council or the Mayor, we'll be waiting a long time. So when you see the membership drive booth, sign up and pay those $15 dues. When the phone rings asking for volunteers to spruce up the entrances, figure out a way to give some time. Most important, evaluate your own property. Ask yourself what you can do to make it the best it can be. If you're a risk-taker, ask you neighbor for an honest opinion. I'm certain most would love to share. As each individual home improves, so does our neighborhood and our entire community.
Best wishes,
John Wilkie
ISNA President