The 2002 annual resident?’s meeting was held at Beth Tikvah on October 29. Elected as officers for the 2002/2003 fiscal year were:
President Tim Murnane
Vice President Ed Geraghty
Treasurer Jane Matson
Secretary Bob Jacobsen
Asst. Secretary Tom Carmody
Trustee Jack Conner
5 yr term: 11/02-10/07
TREASURER?’S REPORT: Treasurer Jane Matson reviewed the Balance Sheet and the Income & Expense Statement. For the 12 mo. fiscal year ended 9/30/02, the Association had $34,079.91 cash on hand in its bank accounts. For the year?’s operations, the Association had combined total receipts of $42,109.32, disbursements of $39,802.03, for a surplus of $2307.29.
Jane reported that on the recommendation of our auditor, the Balance Sheet showed a revised and corrected statement of depreciation.
POOL REPORT: Pool Chair Sandee Ferguson was absent. Report was given by Tim Murnane, by means of reading the Pool Report from minutes of the Executive Board meeting of 9/24/02. He reported that 2002 income was down in both Memberships and Day Care, and as a result the Pool showed an operating loss of $5122 for the year. Sandy will assemble a larger pool committee, and will start working early on ways to increase income so as to cover costs.
The baby pool needs a new pump. The pool sign was stolen and must be replaced. Overgrown shrubs along the pool fence were removed.
TENNIS REPORT: Tennis Chair John Hoffman reported that tennis memberships were 16 households for the 2002 season, down from 22 in 2001. He said the backboard was repainted recently and trees and shrubs were trimmed back along the creek. He said the courts were playable and in decent shape, but would require resurfacing at some point in the future.
ENTRANCES REPORT: Our new Entrances Chair Betsy Smalldon said she had a tough act to follow. She thanked outgoing Entrances Chair Carolyn Turner for all her great work and said that Carolyn will continue to be a part of the Entrances committee. Betsy said the summer heat and drought conditions made for challenging conditions. She thanked the Stotzers, Carseys, Smuckers and Hindalls for generously allowing use of their water. Betsy said some of the light fixtures are showing signs of wear and damage, and at some point replacement will be needed. She?’s looking for anyone with expertise in exterior lighting. She needs more people on the committee -- has 4 people and 6 walls to maintain. Please call 847-3845 to join the fun
BLOCKWATCH REPORT: Gini Peloquin reported that all was calm in the neighborhood. She said the city?’s new noise ordinance came into play at a Linworth Rd. residence. Neighbors made formal complaint about an instance of loud music, the police acted on the complaint, and the music was turned down.
ACTIVITIES: Lisa Puhlick is our new Activities Chair. She reported that 4th of July neighborhood bike parade was a hit. Many kids and adults decorated their bikes and rode through the neighborhood. She said there would be a Halloween party at the pool parking lot on Oct. 31, she will be working on a possible dinner/dance party for the winter months.
1) BMI Credit Union Membership availablity for Indian Hills residents. Please see item later in this edition for details.
2) Rosemary Lisko will be investigating the use of a Linworth Rd property as a ?“boarding house?”.
3) Brad Mitchell suggested that the board investigate permanent curb numbers funded by the annual fees.
The proposed budget for FY 02/03 was approved.
Thanks to all who attended the annual meeting. It is a wonderful learning experience. This meeting is also an important democratic forum for everyone to understand and influence how our neighborhood works. If you could not attend, please consider participating next year.
At our Annual Meeting, it was decided to request membership for IHRA in BMI Federal Credit Union (BMI FCU). The National Credit Union Administration has approved our request, and membership is now available to all Indian Hills residents, including family members, that wish to join. Membership is strictly voluntary. As a full service institution, BMI FCU is proud to provide competitive financial services for their members. Originally chartered in 1936 by employees of Battelle Memorial Institute, BMI FCU now serves the employees of over 150 companies. If you wish to investigate whether membership in BMI FCU might be beneficial to you and your family, please contact Connie Capuano, Vice President of Business Development, at (614) 298-6438. You can also visit the Bethel Road Branch, located near Wendy?’s in the Olentangy Plaza Shopping Center. Manager Yvonne Demko and her staff will be glad to provide you with the details of the many services offered by BMI FCU.
AIRPORT NEWS From Director Doug Hammon:
OSU has recently embarked on a project to extend the northernmost runway at the University Airport. The first step in this process is to conduct an Environmental Assessment of the proposed improvement.
Through the Environmental Assessment, the University's consultant will examine the impact of the proposed improvement on various environmental factors such as noise, historical and archeological features, ground water, wetlands and endangered species, to name a few.
In an effort to receive public input regarding the proposal, the University will employ an extensive public involvement process throughout the planning period. In as much, the first public workshop to introduce the project to the community is scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Hangar 1 at the OSU Airport, 2160 West Case Rd. I look forward to seeing you at the workshop."
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Richard and Christine Dannhausen
6072 Rocky Rill
Chandra Shekar
5630 Linworth Rd.
William and Jeanne Stoker
5936 Litchfield Rd
Introducing our youngest neighbor: newborn Karl Lawrie, a special holiday gift to Chuck and Kathy Lawrie at 915 Stoney Creek on 12/17
The Kohn Family of Spring Grove Lane welcomed a baby girl in the late fall.