Indian Hills

Minutes of IHRA Annual Meeting of 2004

Minutes of IHRA Annual Meeting of 2004

Minutes of the IHRA Annual Meeting
held October 26, 2004 at Northwest Church of the Nazarene

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Tim Murnane, with ?? people attending.

First time attendees were introduced: Lisa Schmidt, 5972 Tulip Hill; Tim Matyac, 877 Litchfield Ct.; and Ann Carroll, 921 Lynbrook.

Secretary Bob Jacobsen read the minutes of last year’s annual meeting, held Oct. 28, 2003. There were no errors or corrections. A motion to approve the minutes as read was seconded, and the minutes of last year’s meeting were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Brett Howell reviewed the Balance Sheet and Income & Expense Report for the fiscal year ended 9/30/04. He reported that as of that date, the Association had a total of $39,571.35 cash on hand -- $13,272.30 in the Assoc. checking acct., $22,081.81 in the Assoc. Capital Improvement savings acct., $2,991.81 in the pool checking acct., and $1225.43 in the Tennis checking acct. For the year’s operations, the Income & Expense Report showed total income of $46,940.71, total expenses of $49,734.74, for an operating loss of $2,794.03. Accounting for the non-cash expense of depreciation, the total loss for the year was $5,809.74. Brett noted that the Association accounts included several non-standard expenses: $400 for new light fixtures at the entrances, $1500 in misc. expense for curb numbers, and $2500 in Common Grounds expense for a major trimming and pruning job. In noting the Pool’s operating loss of $3,279.63, he pointed out that payroll was higher than last year. The pool also had higher than normal bank fees of $201.42, due to paying per-transaction fees and a few NSF fees. He said that First Merit Bank refunded half the NSF fees, but also said that the Board will likely move the Association’s accounts to BMI Credit Union. There being no questions, Tim asked for and received a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. There was a second, and the report was accepted.

POOL REPORT: Pool Chair Sandee Ferguson reported that the pool had a loss this year, but still had some cash on hand at year end. Pool income was $29,606.70, expenses were $32,886.33, for a deficit of $3279.63. Sandee attributed the loss to decreases in membership income and in daycare income, the increase in payroll, and a cool, rainy August. She said Arlington pools closed for the season in mid-August because of the weather, but she also said that for us the biggest factor was the payroll expense. She reported that the swim team income was up as a result of new kids from the Northwest Nazarene day camp. Sandee said that she is stepping down as Pool Chairperson after 5 years, and Michelle Devol of Sedgwick Rd. would be taking over. Sandee said she and husband Mark would continue to help out on the pool committee. She thanked this year’s Pool Committee and head guard/manager Dave Anderson. Mary Ison asked if Dave would be returning next year. Sandee said she wasn’t sure, and that the pool budget would be a major factor in that decision. Tim Murnane thanked Sandee for 5 years of service, and said he was glad that she and Mark were still going to help out. Motion, second, and pool report was accepted.

ENTRANCES REPORT: Betsy Smalldon reported that long-time Entrances Committee member Emily Bull was stepping down. She said that two other residents have agreed to work on the committee – Martha Cattabiani and Lori (Guilmartin?). Betsy thanked Emily Bull and Sandy & Steve Hindall for all their hard work and diligence. Betsy said the new lights were a big improvement. At each wall, 4 small halogen fixtures were replaced with 2 larger “high sodium” fixtures. She said the new bulbs are less expensive and should last 3-4 years. The new fixtures focus the light on the lettering. Tim Murnane offered his thanks to the Entrance Committee and said he thought the new lights looked great. Entrance report accepted.

ACTIVITIES REPORT: Lisa Puhlick reported that the neighborhood Halloween party would be held at the Pool/Tennis parking lot on Fri. Oct. 29th.

[As the chair people were unable to attend, there were no Tennis, Blockwatch or Welcome reports.]

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss, but Sue Romig commented that she thought the new curb numbers looked good.

NEW BUSINESS: Bill Hamm suggested the Board look into installing “yard lights” where needed in the neighborhood to provide a more uniform amount of illumination during the nighttime hours. Bill said his concern was mainly safety because although most homes have decent outdoor lights, some don’t, and those areas can be quite dark. Bill said one contractor gave him a rough estimate of $450 to $600 per home to install a typical yard light/post light up to 40 feet from the home. As for the cost of electricity to operate these lights, Bill said he thought most residents would be happy to pay the slight additional cost, and if not, the association could somehow pay for it or allow the homeowner to deduct it from the $50 annual fee.

Ann Carroll said she liked the idea. She said she often notices these dark yards as she walks in the neighborhood.

Sandy Hindall said she thought that installing private yard lights would present some problems in paying for the electric cost. Having been on the entrance committee for many years, Sandy said some residents won’t even agree to let their water be used to maintain our entrances. She said that “general” lights or street lights throughout the neighborhood would be a better way to go.

Steve Hindall said that buying and installing traditional street lights would be an expensive proposition.

Brett Howell said that as Treasurer he pays our electric bills, and that cost is significant. Having our own street lights would add even more. He suggested we look into a solar alternative.

Tony Mangini said he was in involved in a street lights project with the City of Columbus at his old Clintonville home. He said it took 2-3 years to complete the project. The city required a minimum number of street lights and allotted $1200 per fixture to install a basic street light. Upgraded fixtures were available, but area residents had to agree to pay the difference. Their cost turned out to be $4500 per fixture, with residents paying about $175 a year for about 10 years to cover the additional cost. Tony said he believes that, after the fact, most Clintonville residents would have preferred a simple photocell to automatically turn on their porch lights or yard lights.

Sue Romig said she was not a big fan of street lights. She likes the fact that this neighborhood does not have street lights and she can open a window at night without having a street light shine into the house.

Betty Menear suggested a piece in the Smoke Signals asking our residents to invest in photocells to automatically turn on their outdoor lights at night.

Bill Hamm said that he wasn’t talking about traditional street lights, just normal post lights, and that such lights were not needed everywhere.

There was no motion resulting from this discussion.

Belinda Bardall asked if Indian Hills had a position on the proposed runway extension at OSU Airport, and if so, why she hadn’t read anything about it in Smoke Signals. Tim said we support the runway project and there was an article to that effect in Smoke Signals some time ago. Tim said he could dig up that old article for her, and asked Bob Jacobsen to explain the project. Bill Hamm said that the runway project would double the length of the north runway from 3000’ to 6000’, would take 5 to 6 years to complete, and until then we wouldn’t notice any difference in the air traffic. Bob said that OSU airport wants to lengthen its north runway and designate it as the primary corporate (i.e. jet) runway. Currently the north runway is too short for jets and other large aircraft, so all that traffic uses the south runway. Our neighborhood lies directly beneath the glide path for planes landing on the south runway. Bob said OSU’s plan for the new north runway will ask the FAA to have aircraft approach from the east over Route 161. Bob said the Board supports this plan because the bulk of future jet traffic would use the new north runway and would no longer be approaching right over our neighborhood. He added that OSU’s plan also calls for all night traffic to use the north runway. Tony Mangini said that he lived in the north part of Indian Hills and it looked to him like planes using the north runway would still be coming close to our neighborhood.

Bill Hamm asked about the possibility of having the Association pay for snow removal from our streets. He said he knows a person who will do it for us for $100 per hour. Tim Murnane said he gets his share of phone calls when snow accumulates and he suggests calling the City and being patient. He said that usually Mother Nature or the City will take care of the problem. Betty Menear said they often miss her street. Tony Mangini he did a lot of plowing in Indian Hills the past couple of years because of a truck he had through his employer, but he doesn’t have that truck anymore. Emily Bull said that in her old neighborhood every owner paid an extra $50 per year for snow removal. Betty Menear said we used to do a similar thing here with voluntary contributions but not everyone paid. Bill Hamm said he’d get more information and have his guy contact Tim.

Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The proposed budget estimates Receipts of $52,050, Disbursements of $50,400 for a Surplus of $1650. Tim Murnane asked for a motion to approve the proposed budget. Steve Hindall so moved, with second from Brett Howell, and all were in favor. Budget was approved.

Election of Officers & Trustees. Tim thanked outgoing Trustee Mary Cohee for her many years of service to the Board and the neighborhood. This year’s Nominating Committee was comprised of Mary Cohee, Mary Jaquay and Betsy Smalldon, and was chaired by Mrs. Cohee. She announced the following candidates: Tim Murnane, President; Ed Geraghty, Vice President; Brett Howell, Treasurer; Bob Jacobsen, Secretary; Sue Romig, Asst. Secretary; and George Rittell, Trustee (11/04 thru 10/09). There being no nominations from the floor, Tim asked for a motion that the slate of candidates be elected by acclamation. Mary Jaquay so moved, Kathy Jacobsen seconded, and the slate was elected.

Mary Cohee said that so far two of the questionnaires on various household service providers had been returned to her.

Tim Murnane asked for a round of applause for Emily Bull, Sandee Ferguson, and Mary Cohee, and thanked everyone for attending.

With no other items of business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Submitted by Bob Jacobsen, Secretary

Posted by bobjake on 11/11/2004
Columbus, Ohio 43235

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