Indian Wells

Letter regarding sidewalks

Posted in: Old Town Abilene
Some parts of town badly need sidewalks
Letter to the Editor

June 9, 2006

I was pleased to see the sidewalk bond passed. As a resident of the Old Town Abilene Neighborhood (between South Third and South Seventh, Butternut to Vine), I am hoping some of those sidewalks will be constructed in our area. The sidewalks and curbs in this area are, in many cases, 100 years old. This is a low to moderate income area and many residents simply cannot afford to replace the sidewalk in front of their home. I, along with other moms, enjoy walking our babies for exercise. We spend most of our time walking our strollers down the street, as the sidewalks are in deplorable condition. And forget about trying to get out for exercise if you are in a wheelchair!

If there is a sidewalk, quite frequently there is a car parked on it. Do people know it's illegal to park on the sidewalk, and who is supposed to enforce this ordinance? We know the city cannot afford to replace all the sidewalks, but the major roads leading to Lincoln Middle School and Rose Park would be a start. Hopefully, with rising gas prices, the city will realize having sidewalks actually leading to the bus stops would be a major innovation and would encourage people to use the city transit. Maybe, in addition to the bond money, some of the capital improvement money being spent on paving alleys could instead be used to replace sidewalks. Wouldn't it be great to walk or roll around the block on a nice evening?

Amber Banner


By Amber
Sidewalk Development

Be sure and email the city council about sidewalks. We're submitting a position paper supporting sidewalk development.

By Cedar Creek
good going

I heard your presentation to City Council concerning sidewalks, GOOD GOING Amber!

By Neighbor
Amendment Opposal

We oppose the adoption of the proposed amendment to the Sidewalk Master Plan.
In August 2006, the Cedar Creek Neighborhood Association supported and encouraged your
adoption of the Sidewalk Master Plan. Looking to the betterment of our city and the future, the
City Council unanimously passed the plan on August 10, 2006.
We Oppose the Adoption of the Amendment to Sidewalk Master Plan because?…
?• The original document included provisions for exceptions where factors and circumstances prevented
sidewalks from being practical and productive.
?• The amendment includes vague, undefined, ?“reasonably justifiable good cause?” (F.1.d) that
opens an unnecessary and burdensome loophole in a plan designed to lead us into the future.
?• An appeal process to the City Council for technical matters is a waste of council and citizen
time. The Board of Adjustment was created for appeals after city staff decisions regarding ordinances.
Council has done its job in approving the plan and committing Abilene to sidewalks.
To support the amendment the following things would be necessary?…
?• F.1.d would need to be stricken (along with the accompanying sentence in F.2)
?• If an appeal process is necessary, appeals (F.3) do not need to go to City Council
?• Council and staff must commit to keep a close eye on plans before council to ensure our sidewalk
system is upheld with integrity when adopted by council (F.4)
Sidewalks are, as the Master Plan states, ?“an integral part of the street system and should not be
of secondary consideration.?” Adoption of the Sidewalk Master Plan in August was a step in the
right direction for the wellness, safety, and renewal of our community. The amendment before
council on October 12, 2006 cheapens Abilene?’s earlier commitment to sidewalks and a supporting
network of sidewalks in our city.
Position Paper on
Proposed Amendment to Sidewalk Master Plan (October 2006)
Cedar Creek
The CC
A B I L E N E , T E X A S
This position paper was formally adopted by unanimous vote of the Cedar Creek Neighborhood Association
on Tuesday, October 10, 2006. The Cedar Creek Neighborhood Association is located in northeast
Abilene bounded by Judge Ely, EN 10th, Treadaway and Ambler.
Brad Carter
CCNA President

By Sidewalk ordinances
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