If you are not a registered voter and exercise your hard-fought-for privelege in the upcoming election, you have little to complain about after the fact.
Government in the US is OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People. That means 'the People' must insure that those who 'serve' in elected positions are held accountable, are truly representing their constituents and are communicating with them regularly to be sure they are doing all that.
True, some conclusions about national elections seem already determined. But the local government elections are far from assured and are among the MOST important to you and me here in the neighborhood.
So, be sure you are informed about the issues and where the candidates stand on them.
And if you don't vote, don't gripe. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Government in the US is OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People. That means 'the People' must insure that those who 'serve' in elected positions are held accountable, are truly representing their constituents and are communicating with them regularly to be sure they are doing all that.
True, some conclusions about national elections seem already determined. But the local government elections are far from assured and are among the MOST important to you and me here in the neighborhood.
So, be sure you are informed about the issues and where the candidates stand on them.
And if you don't vote, don't gripe. You have no one to blame but yourself.