Jacklin Corners HOA

We need more SAFE

Posted in: Sunnyhills
The Sunnyhills Neighborhood Association, working with the City of Milpitas Fire department just graduated our first SAFE team of 13 people.

There were two members from Boulder
Two members from Matthews Ct.
One from Coelho street
One from Deil Ct.
and the bulk of the rest from
South Conway.

That puts almost the entire team in only in the central area of Sunnyhills and we need more to be able to cover the whole neighborhood.

What is SAFE. Its is a program run by the Fire Department to train civilians how to act as a team in case of an major emergency like Earthquake or terrorist threat. State officials say that in the event of such an emergency neigborhoods might have to handle the emergency for up to a week before regular police and fire departsment can respond.

We need at least ten people interested in order to start a new round of classes. If your interested call me at 408-946-5160

By Bob Roberts
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