is it a bar or a club. who/what are they.....
is it a bar or a club. who/what are they.....
What the Eagles realy are!
The Eagles are a faternal org. you do have to become a member to particapate in their activities, they are non- profit fund raising group who are always raising funds for burn,illness,soldiers, homless, victumes of some sort. they do motoercycle rides to rais funds or fish fryes or dinners for some one in need... they do have a restraunt side where food is served or meetings can take place or dancing and so on.... they also have a side that is a bar where food is also served.. not just jade park folks are members, many folks from around and out side our nieghborhood come here to be members and to gather with friends. You must try the hamburger night very good!! its on wensday night for about 3 bucks... I am a member myself now. if you want to know more their web site is they even have karaoke nightand horse shoe competion, I even see some folks just playing cards. its preety cool to see so many people and all the activites |
Meet Your Neighbors
Fraternal Order of Eagles has put their info on the ''Meet Your Neighbors'' part of this website. click on it and it will take you to thier website... if you wish, you can let us know about you too. :) By Scott |
Clothes donation box......
The Eagles Cub has now set out a Donation box for clothing and shoes only in their parking lot for a LOCAL CHARITY. Anyone can put clothing and shoes into this collection box, and all would be appreciated. BUT, please do not put anything else in or around it.... This is for clothing and shoes only.... Thanks.... By Scott |