JCCA Meeting Minutes - November 28, 2007
November 28, 2007 - General Meeting
Jefferson Cort Civic Association
Meeting Minutes
November 28, 2007
The regular meeting of the Jefferson Cort Civic Association was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 28, 2007 in Parish Voting Precinct Building on Country Side Lane by Frank.
Approximately 50 people were present for this meeting.
A. Approval of Agenda
- Nominations and election of new JCCA officers (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and representatives for each phase of the neighborhood.
- Nominations and election committee chairs (Social, Safety, Beautification, Architectural, Communications).
- Update on the new subdivision that wishes to tie in to Jefferson Cort.
B. Approval of Minutes
Minutes were not available from last meeting. Secretary for 2007 has been on maternity leave.
C. Open Issues
- Nominations and elections were held for new officers for 2008. They are as follows:
President: Hank Levenson
Vice President: Ernie Burns
Treasurer: Mark Johnson
Secretary: Leslie Fleury
- Frank Krenkel, current Vice-President offered the meeting attendees the opportunity to sign up for the various committees.
- It was discussed that the subdivision on General Ott wishes to tie-in to Jefferson Cort. There were a few reasons stated such as: Ponchatoula School district and the potential second throughway for Jefferson Cort. The majority of the attendees were not in favor of allowing the subdivision to tie-in to Jefferson Cort. Many residents purchased homes and lots in Jefferson Cort for the security of only one entrance/exit. Others bought/built on the cul-de-sac for the privacy and do not want to give that up for the second entrance.
Bobby Cortez mentioned that although Mr. Halbert has agreed to let the JCCA decide by voting, that he has full authority to allow the tie-in regardless of the committee's final vote.
D. New Business
- 1. The current board has started beautification of the entrance by removing trees that are obstructing the pillars, repainting the pillars, adding some landscaping and putting up a light. The new beautification committee will research which type of light, how it will be billed, how much is will cost before the light is installed.
- 2. Flip charts were available for the attendees to submit suggestions for the next meeting, items that they would like to see done in the subdivision, how they would like to receive communication, etc.
- 3. Discussion surrounding attendance was a focus. How can we get more participation? What excites the residents of our neighborhood? How can we get support? Suggestions of: garden of the month, best Christmas lights, and bumper stickers were offered as possible attention grabbers.
E. Agenda for Next Meeting
- Create attendance awareness - how to get more involved.
- Top three things that the residents want from the board.
- Discuss the compilation of restrictions of all phases.
- Communication to the residents.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. by Hank Levenson. The next general meeting will be at undetermined.
Minutes submitted by: Leslie Fleury
Approved by:
leray on 07/03/2008