This neighborhood association affords individual residents and property owners the opportunity to unite behind various common neighborhood interests, concerns and goals.
By "associating" as neighbors, we provide a means of working together to reduce crime, promote a cleaner, safer and more appealing neighborhood, to the end that all Jefferson Park residents and property owners realize some measure
of benefit. Jefferson Park Neighbors Association gives us a common voice with which to speak-out on matters concerning our neighborhood, our property, and indeed our quality of life in this proud neighborhood.
This, like any other association, is only as strong as the sum of its numbers. Won't you consider becoming a member of JPNA and then becoming involved in the association? Help us help you by joining today!
Annual membership dues are $25.00, and may be mailed to: Membership, c/o JPNA, P.O. Box 60612, Oklahoma City, OK 73146. Special consideration for waiving the annual dues requirement for those wishing to join who are unable to afford the annual dues is possible by applying to the Board of Directors.
For more information, please click the "Email Your Neighborhood Leader" link on the left.