1. Become an AVON Independent Sales Representative!
Only $10 to start!
You are guaranteed 50% earnings on your first
4 orders of $50 or more when you submit your orders online!
Set your own hours! Work from home!
Please your name and email address + (phone#)_.
2. (Sometimes the shorter the ad the more success!)
Sell AVON full time/part time or in your spare time!
Interested in being your own boss!
Need Cash? Join Avon! Or order online.
Check it out on my website: www.youravon.com/dkarabacak
For any questions email me below: zirtanem@hotmail.com
GOOD LUCK when building your business! It does take a lot of time and effort, keep recruiting and signing up people, because not everyone stays with Avon (some people would rather just be a customer). Remember keep advertising, and searching for more ideas that may stand out over the next person's ad!!!
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