Jewell Elementary Neighbors

Car Break-Ins

Posted in: Sunflower Condos
  • Stock
  • matluru
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
There have been several reported automobile break-ins in the past few weeks.

Our community PAR (Police Area Representative) is Officer Nicole Mocaer, 303-627-3174 She has offered the following advice to cut down on crime:

1. Always call the Aurora Police to report any suspicious activity. Don't just assume that someone else is calling, or that it might not be important enough.

2. Always call the Aurora Police if you do have a break-in. Even if it isn't much, if you don't think there's anything they can do, you still need to report it. Once enough reports are logged for a particular area, they will send an officer to patrol that area more regularly.

3. Do not leave anything of value in your car, and do not leave any important paperwork. This includes anything with your address or social security number on it, like pay stubs, bank statements, insurance cards or registration information.

Other suggestions she has made are to improve the lighting around the community. She also recommended forming a Neighborhood Watch. I hope to address both of these issues at the next HOA meeting.

Please plan on attending (11/15/07), and voicing your opinion on these topics.

Thank you,
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