John T. White Neighborhood Association


JTWNA of EFW Bylaws

Bylaws of John T. White NA

Article I – Name

The official name of this organization shall be the John T. White Neighborhood Association of East Fort Worth.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Neighborhood Association is to provide an organized framework to promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and values in the neighborhood by:
• Promoting communication within the neighborhood.
• Encouraging a sense of community and pride among members.
• Advocating and monitoring issues affecting the neighborhood.
• Consult and work with other neighborhood, civic and public organizations.
• Establish a communication link with the City Council, City Managers Offices, Code Enforcement, Neighborhood Police Officers and other City Departments.

Article III – Policies

1. The Association shall be noncommercial, non-partisan and non-sectarian.
2. The name of the Association or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used without consent of the Executive Board. Under no conditions may they be used in connection with a commercial concern, or with any partisan interest, or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objectives of the Association.
3. The Association shall not directly or indirectly endorse any political candidate or party. “Paid Political Advertising” may be accepted for the newsletter which shall be open to all candidates.
4. The Association may cooperate with other organizations and agencies, but persons representing Association in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the Association without authorization of the Executive Board.
5. All disbursements shall be approved by the majority of the Executive Board (by the Voting Membership if in excess of $100.00) and signed by the President or Vice President (when is acting President), in addition to one of the following either the Vice President (acting as VP) or the Treasurer.
6. In the event of an emergency, the President, after consulting with the Executive Board, may call a special Membership meeting. The Membership must be notified (by inclusion in the newsletter, or preferred contact) of the time and place of the meeting, the amount, reason, and payee (if known) at least 3 days in advance of the meeting.
7. The Association shall not make loans or donations to individuals of for profit organizations. Loans and donations to not-for-profit organizations must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board for consideration. Approval must be in accordance with Sections 5 and 6.
8. All assets of the Association will remain the property of the Association and is not to be used for non-Association functions without Board Approval. Custodians are to exercise due care in securing Association property.

Article IV – Boundaries

North: Trinity River (excluding Mallard Cove)
South: I-30 (East of Cobblestone HOA and Westside of East Chase)
East: East side East Chase (excluding Leisure Living)
West: West side of Fay Boulevard

Article V – Membership

Voting Membership:
• Any individual who is over the age of eighteen (18) who resides, leases, or owns property within its boundaries, may become a full voting member, allowed only one vote per household.
• In order to vote, a member must be in good standing with the Association and be current on annual dues.
• Voting Members shall be eligible to participate in meetings, serve in elected or appointed positions, and serve on committees.
• A member in good standing shall forfeit their voting privileges should they cease to meet the criteria, at that time they will become and an Associate Member. (i.e. if they sell their property and move from the neighborhood.).Should they again meet the criteria during the membership year they shall regain their voting privileges and be considered a Voting Member in good standing. (i.e. if they move back.)

Business Membership:
• Any person, firm, or corporation operating a place of business within the Association’s boundaries (this includes property owners who rent or lease property in the NA boundaries but do not live within the NA boundaries).
• Shall be eligible to participate in meetings but cannot serve on either elected or appointed positions or committees, or vote.

Associate Membership:
• Shall be any person, firm, or corporation who neither resides, owns property, nor operates a place of business within the Association’s boundaries, but nevertheless, maintains an interest in the Association and its purposes.
• Shall be eligible to participate in meetings, but cannot vote or serve on either elected or appointed positions or committees, or vote.

Article VI - Dues:
• All memberships are $10.00 per household, property, business or non-resident per year.
• Dues paid are non-refundable and are $5.00 if paid July- December.
• New members may join at any time during the year.
• Membership renewal dues must be paid by January 31st for the year.
• The previous year’s members who have not paid dues by January 31st shall not be considered “in good standing”.
• Dues must be paid to the Treasurer at membership meetings or they can be mailed or given to the President of the NA who will turn dues over to the Treasurer at the next membership meeting.
• If member is not present at meeting, receipt shall be mailed to them.
• Treasurer is responsible for issuing a dated receipt (which shall serve as the temporary membership card) for voting use until membership card is issued.
• Members of the Executive Board must pay their dues before the January 31st deadline, or resign their Board position.

• Membership cards shall be issued to Voting Members, in good standing, for voting purposes at meetings.

Article VII – Meetings

Executive Board Meetings:
• If needed, will be held on Thursday, one week prior to the Regular meeting. Meeting can be conference call or online chat.

General Meetings:
• Shall be held quarterly or semi-annually as determined by necessary business.  The meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the designated period, beginning with a required meeting in January each year.

• Meetings may be held more or less often as determined by the Executive Board.

Annual Meetings:
The first regular meeting of the calendar year shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise. 

Special Meetings:
• May be called by the President of the Association.
• May be called by a majority of the Executive Board.
• May be called by a petition containing signatures of at least fifteen (15) voting members of the Association and then given to an Executive Board member.

o It should be the duty of the Board member receiving the petition to transmit it to the President whose duty it shall be to call a meeting no later than the date and time set forth in the petition and designate the place for the meeting.
o The President shall direct the secretary to file the petition in the association minutes.
o If the newsletter has already been printed and / or distributed, it will be the duty of the Street Captain to inform his / her street of the special meeting.

• The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the petition and except in cases of an emergency; at least seven (7) days notice shall be given.

Notice of Meetings:
• Written notice or email, identifying the time and place of the meeting, shall be provided to each member of the Association at least seven (7) days before meetings are to be held. Such notice of meetings may be hand carried, mailed, put in Meadowbrook News, or by the members contact preference for email or phone.

• Newsletters will be distributed to all residents one (1) time a year followed by postcard notification for general meetings.

• At least two (2) members of the Executive Board and at least three Voting Members in good standing present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Open Meetings:
• All meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.

Article VIII – Elections

• Election of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be held at the Fall General Membership meeting by show of membership cards.
• If there is only one candidate for office, by motion from the floor the election may be made by voice vote.
• All Executive Board terms shall end December 31.
• The November meeting the year of elections will be a transition meeting including both the past and newly elected officers.

Article IX – Executive Board

• The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Board of the Association.
The Executive Board shall supervise the affairs of the Association in accordance with its stated purpose and policies; set the agendas for the regular meetings; transact any business between meetings of the NA and report thereon at the next meeting; and make recommendations to the general membership on matters before the NA.
• Failure to attend three (3) meetings (Executive Board and General Membership Meetings) without an acceptable excuse given to the President shall be considered a formal resignation.
• Board Members must be committed and actively participate toward the betterment of the neighborhood, plus actively participate in Association functions.
• They must work with others in a professional manner, regardless of personal conflict.
• Prepare and submit to the General Membership for approval, budgets for their term.
• All disbursements over $5.00 shall be approved by the Executive Board, (and by General Membership if in excess of $100). The President shall be the first signature, along with one of the following; Treasurer or Vice President.

Article X – Officers

• The officers of JTWNA shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
• Officers shall assume their duties in January and shall serve for two (2) year until their successors are duly elected. Officers shall not serve in the same office for more than three (3) consecutive terms.

• Any member in good standing of JTW NA is eligible for election to office.
• Only one elected officer per household.

• At the September meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) Voting Members in good standing.

• Members of the nominating committee may not run for office.
• The nominating committee shall present a slate of one or more nominations for each office at the Fall meeting.
• The consent of each candidate must be obtained before their name is placed in nomination.
• Additional nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the floor nominee. Nominee must be present to be elected.

• In the event the President is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice-President shall become the President for the unexpired portion of the term.
• For other vacancies in offices other than the President, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term with a simple majority vote.
• Failure to attend three (3) meetings (Executive Board and General Membership Meetings) without an acceptable excuse given to the President shall be considered a formal resignation.

• Upon retirement from office, each officer shall deliver to his/her successor, all records, papers, and other property belonging to the Association.

Removal from Office:
• At a special meeting of the Members, duly called in accordance with Article VII of these Bylaws, any Officer may be removed from his/her position with just cause by a majority vote of the Members.
• A successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy.
• Any Officer whose removal has been proposed by the Members shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting prior to the vote for removal.

Article XI – Duties of Executive Board

• Preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board.
• Appoint, direct, and monitor the activities of permanent and special committees.
• Vote in meetings of the General Membership and of the Executive Board only in case of a tie.
• Be the official spokesperson for the JTWNA.
• Prepare a written agenda for all meetings.
• Shall be the first signature, along with one of the following; Treasurer or Vice President.
• Shall be empowered to call special meetings of the General Membership.
• Serve or appoint another member as the Association’s primary representative to the Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations.
• President must maintain ex officio member status for a minimum of 60 days then has the option of continuing this status or becoming a regular voting member and relinquishing all ex officio status.

Vice President
• Serve and assume all responsibilities in the absence of the President.
• Act as a special assistant to the President at the direction of the President.
• Shall assume the office of President in the event that the President resigns or is no longer able to continue to function as President.
• Shall be the second signature, along with the President’s signature on all financial instruments.
• Shall be the first signature, along with the Treasurer’s signature when assuming the office of the President.

• Keep minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association.
• Preserve in file all records of value to the Association.
• Maintain a current roster of membership indicating the name, address, and telephone number of each member as well as his/her classification of membership.
• Conduct the correspondence of the Association.
• Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.

• Maintain custody and have charge of all funds, securities, and financial records.
• Shall report to the Executive Committee a complete and detailed report of all expenditures, all sources and amounts of receipts, and any unpaid invoices, obligations, and receivables at every Executive Board meeting of the Association, and at other times when requested by the President or the Executive Board.
• Shall receive all monies due the Association.
• Shall issue receipts and deposit at once all monies received, in a bank designated by the Executive Committee.
• Shall prepare a projected budget for the following fiscal year.
• Shall submit the original books of record, vouchers, receipts, cancelled checks and all other records for examination not later than 15 days from the day Audit Committee is appointed at the September meeting.
• Collect membership dues and keep records of paid members giving a copy to the President and Secretary.
• Pay all bills and distribute funds by check only upon receipt of a bill with the approval of the Executive Board.
• Submit a written financial report at each meeting and give a copy to the Secretary.
• Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
• Shall be the second signature, along with the President’s signature. If the Vice President is assuming the position of President then signature will reflect same.

Article XII - Audit Committee:

• The Executive Board shall at the September Board Meeting, establish an Audit Committee consisting one Executive Board Member (excluding Treasurer) and one Voting Member in good standing appointed by the Executive Board, to audit the Treasurer’s accounts at the end of the fiscal year and to present a written report at the Fall Executive Board and Membership meetings.

• The audit shall be performed in the presence of the Treasurer, no more than 15days following Committee appointment.
• The Treasurer will maintain custody of the original documents after the audit, unless there is a discrepancy with the final totals. Then all original documents will be given to the Executive Board member on the audit committee for further review by an independent audit firm.

Article XIII - Finance Committee

• A finance committee composed of the newly elected Treasurer and two Voting Members in good standing shall be appointed by the newly elected President at the Annual Meeting.
• It shall be the duty of the committee to prepare a budget for the next fiscal year and to submit it at the January meeting.
• This report may from time to time submit amendments to the budget, which may be adopted by a majority vote.

Article XIV - Parliamentary Authority

Procedures at all meetings shall by conducted with due regard to parliamentary practice with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised serving as the authority on all points not covered specifically by these Bylaws and any special rules of order the NA may adopt.

Article XV - Amendments

Amendments to these Bylaws shall be made at any regular, special meeting or email by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members who are in good standing, provided that notice of such meeting contains the proposed amendments(s). Such amendments shall be effective as of the date of enactment and cannot be changed for one (1) year.

Article XVI - Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the Association, the surplus assets, if any, shall be given to a charitable organization agreed upon by a majority of the Membership attending a General Meeting. The disbursement of any funds will be made within ten (10) days. A notice of the action and the reason shall be sent to all Association Members in good standing. The effective date of dissolution shall be thirty (30) days after the date of action by the membership.

Article XVII - Enactment

These Bylaws shall become effective when adopted by a majority vote of all members in good standing at the meeting held on 6th day of  May, 2010 and shall supersede all previous Bylaws of the John T White Neighborhood Association.

Dede Smith



Posted by jtwds on 01/09/2007
Last updated by skennemer on 06/19/2010
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