Mike Link, the President of KANDO, began the meeting at 6:10pm by welcoming everyone and having them introduce themselves.
Following the Agenda, Mike reintroduced Captain O’Leary who thanked everyone for having him and Lieutenant Banks. The Captain spoke of the following:
There is extra patrol in the area, from 60th to 68th and Custer to Douglas.
The beat officers have changed their hours to allow them to be in the neighborhood later in the evening to help abate the criminal activity.
There was some discussion on working with the landlords on the known offenders in the area.
There was a short discussion with the landlords regarding many of the tenants being female and their boyfriends living and/or hanging around the building and doing criminal activity. The Captain mentioned that his Officers had canvassed a sixteen block area in a challenged area of the District Four and found that every unit had only a female on the lease and yet the area was saturated with males and criminal activity. This lead to additional discussion on the importance of landlords visiting their property on a regular basis.
The Captain spoke of issues in the neighborhood him and his Officers continue to work on that he will adjust the manpower to take care of these issues.
Lieutenant Banks suggested that the members email the Captain and himself if they have information or issues; he spoke of this being a successful tool that is used by other people.
The Captain mentioned that if the landlords and residents know of any problem properties with specific buildings and/or people to get that information to him.
The Captain passed out his card and encouraged everyone to call him directly.
There were a number of problem properties and the information was passed along to the Captain.
Prior to the Captain leaving, one of the members of group thanked the Captain for the great service they are receiving from the District.
Following the Agenda, the next item was the planned dinner for the Lighthouse kids. The group was reminded that we are bringing the kids dinners on Friday September 11th and that we will have to plan dinner for 6:00 – 6:30. It was noted that arrangements will be made to borrow Pastor Winkle’s grill and whoever is going to do the grilling will have to show up earlier.
The group also recognized that we will serve 50 kids and add our group to the count. We will finalize what is being brought and by whom, the group agreed, at the July meeting, to bring hamburgers, hotdogs, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, drinks deserts and chips. It was noted that we will have to also supply the condiments and that the kids like potato salad and coleslaw – which will be discussed at the September meeting.
The last item on the Agenda was Neighborhood Issues and the following was discussed:
There was a recap of the Havenwoods Homebuyer Tour and it was reported that the event was last Saturday and very well attended and a success.
There was a recap of the Westlawn Redevelopment Project and everyone was pleased to hear that this happening and there was some discussion on the tentative plans.
Liz is attempting to schedule a representative from Parking Enforcement for the September meeting.
There was a discussion on the group doing an Impact Statement for an offender in the neighborhood and Liz will follow up on this – thru email – to get everyone’s statements.
The following issues and concerns in the neighborhood were brought up:
There has been a spike in graffiti in the area and everyone was reminded to call this in immediately when they see it.
There was a discussion on the sex offenders that are our neighborhoods and a question was asked what the specific rules are for these offenders. It was noted that every offender has their own specific rules and that there are general rules that they must all adhere to. There will be information pulled together and presented at the next meeting. It was also suggested to contact Probation and Parole and speak to the agent of the offender if there is a concern and they can directly take care of the problem.
It was reported that the tot lot on Kaul Avenue needs to be written up for garbage; weeds, wood chips strewn around, grass overgrown and Liz will do this.
There is a panhandler that is working the 64th and Florist area and has been arrested a number of times. Everyone was reminded that if they see this happening to call the non emergency number.
Pastor Buske spoke of the success the Lighthouse has had this summer and that the numbers have increased to around 50 kids a day.
There was also a reminder that the monthly Crime Analysis meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 25th at 6:00pm at the Milwaukee Police Academy and the guest speaker will be Art Dahlberg.
The following attachments were on the Agenda:
A schedule of the Landlord Training Program
Information on the safety belt law