Many of our neighbors do not realize the importance of having their address posted in the rear of their property facing the alley. The Milwaukee Code of Ordinances Section 275-32(11) requires all owners of dwellings and non-residential buildings to place address numbers on their buildings. The number must be at least two inches high not including the background. Standard house number tiles are available at local hardware stores. Call #286-5580 for more information. The numbers must be placed in a conspicuous place on the front of each building and at the rear or side of properties that abut or are adjacent to alleys. They are required to be placed so that they can be easily seen and read from the street and alley. Numbers can be placed on the back of the house or the garage.
Remember a simple thing like a missing house number can have tragic consequences. It is important for your safety that you have your house numbers posted and exposed for the police department, fire department and all other emergency vehicles to respond to your needs.