Find out the possible advantages and disadvantages of an owner-financing arrangement for both the home seller and potential buyer.
If you’re considering entering into an owner-financing arrangement for...
Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores.
Loan Modification and Credit Scores
Homeowners on the verge of...
You might be surprised to learn that a real estate agent can play one of several roles. You might be even more surprised to learn that the real estate agent that you think is working for your best interests...
A reverse mortgage is special type of loan for senior homeowners that use a home's equity as collateral and you do not have to repay the loan as long as this home remains your principal residence. Because a...
Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk.
Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...
Vacant homes in your neighborhood can hurt the value of your property; here are four things you can do to help prevent your neighbor’s foreclosure from hurting your home.
Even if your home has been safe ...
FHA loans are the easiest type of real estate mortgage loan to qualify for. The FHA guidelines for loan qualification are the most flexible of all mortgage loans and require less than 5% down payment.