Escalate/Resolve issues/Grievances in Neighborhood
Handle legal issues/Concerns
Identify / Resolve drainage issues within Neighborhood
Responsible for Lighting
Update and maintain website
Manage topics / Ads to be displayed
Newsletter / online mailings
Advertising for Committees
Approve budget requests for committees
Monitor yearly budget
Manage grants and collect dues
Responsible for Realtor notifications of dues
Implement and monitor an active block watch
Network with other associations on what is working in other divisions
Attend workshops affiliated with block watches
Coordinate block party
Coordinate yard sales
Solicit Donations / Gifts. Food. Activities
Follow-up with Wdb Team for Advertising Needs
Report Open / Sold Houses
Welcome new Residents
Inform on Dus and Garbage savings
Retreive Contct info for Website and KMCIC Board
Quarterly communications, checkups on concerns and issues
Holiday Decorations
Upkeep appearance, Flowers, Plants, Trash
Soliciting community involvement