Kings Point Assoc Inc

northeast reporter article

Posted in: Carney
the 4/19 2000 article pg 1 and 8 in above publication re: somerford has a couple quotes:

1." ... Balt county has determined that homes would average 12 trips per day per home....."
Could the county make this scientific study available, including the study's methodology since traffic is an important issue.

2. Jay Hicks the development manager is quoted as saying "We proposed the houses to make the project economically feasible."

........does this mean the Somerford project is not economically feasible without the homes?

comments or clarifaction appreciated.
Anwers to article?

The study referred to in the article concerning the amount of traffic generated by individual homes is a generic number quoted by the County using already compiled data, not a study done for this property. They misquoted the numbers. The amount of traffic would actually be closer to 20% higher.

The homes that were originally proposed for Magledt Road were scrapped. This to me means that these were additional "fat" for the developers and were meant as a "sacrificial lamb" to the concerned citizens. I think we might be able to gain a little more if we push hard enough.

valid statistics?

You have stated that the traffic would actually be 20% higher for the property in question. I question the 12 trips per home number(too high) and certainly do not believe your 20% higher number. If you have a study to support your numbers please provide it, otherwise please do not provide misleading and inaccurate info regarding the traffic increase since this is a very important concern. Many homes in the area are comprised on 2 earner households, which would imply most people during the work week leave home and return (=1 trip per adult). If they have children, many take the bus to school in the area. If a commercial facility is put on the proposed lot, the community would have to endure trucks and employees, facility vistors coming and going...this is predictable.....and i would bet the traffic will be much greater with the facility, around the clock. I would like the county to support their numbers if "the numbers speak for themself". Again without valid study, these numbers mean nothing...common sense should dictate , signed... a concerned citizen who wants proof!
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