Minutes of LaCrosse Pointe HOA Board Meeting
January 12, 2010
1. Call to order by Tom Nicholas
2. Quorum declared with the following in attendance:
Tom Nicholas, Sharda Sawhney, Christine Moritz, Ted Sawyer,
Cindy Dameron, Dianne Higgins
3. Minutes of October Board meeting to be presented/approved at next meeting.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Sharda presented a detailed summary of the 2009 budget. Tom requested billing address changes for: Francis Landscaping; Progress Energy; City of Raleigh; Nationwide; and Sun Trust.
5. Brief sketch of New Board members’ experiences: suggested by Tom in order to guide new and existing members to determine positions they were interested in/most suited for.
6. Election of Officers; after a round-table discussion, the following nominations were made:
President: Ted Sawyer, nominated by Dianne, 2nd by Cindy, unanimous vote
V. President: Tom Nicholas, nominated by Ted, 2nd by Christine, unanimous vote
Secretary: Christine Moritz, nominated by Tom, 2nd by Dianne, unanimous vote
Treasurer: Dianne Higgins, nominated by Cindy, 2nd by Tom
Member @ Large: Cindy Dameron, nominated by Tom, 2nd by Ted
7. Assignment of responsibilities not outlined in ByLaws:
. Tom noted an Agenda would be posted two weeks prior to Board meetings.
. Another communication issue raised was whether the Covenants and ByLaws should be posted on the website. Cindy suggested that a link to wake.gov be added to the website, and Ted said he would consult our attorney for suggestions.
. Tom made note of a courtesy request he proposed to the previous Board:
each Board member would inform the others whenever he/she would be out of town.
8. Miscellaneous Items:
A Motion was made by Tom to have Ted send a letter of thanks to all outgoing Board members, 2nd by Cindy, unanimous vote
9. Other Items:
Cindy raised the question of mailbox deterioration and the high cost of repairing them. Tom referred to the Covenants saying all mailboxes should look the same, He concluded that replacing the posts with anything other than the existing design would require a change to the Covenants.
10. Next Board meeting scheduled for February 23, 7 PM at Ted’s house.
11. Motion to adjourn made by Tom, 2nd by Cindy, unanimous vote.