Ladies of the Villages of Southport (LOV'S)

Mailbox Repair

Posted in: Metro W Homeowners Association 5 The Isles
Next Steps?

I would like to get things moving on this. What is the procedure for getting that type of locking mailbox approved as an alternate to the existing mailbox?

New Lockable Mailboxes

How about an act of Congress? :)

Just kidding, but probably about as much work.

It will take an amendment to the Covernant and Restrictions, or the by-laws one. We will have to research it legally, first.

Next, we will need the support of the majority of the community. Plenty of talk and input, dicussions, and ideas.

I don't think the costs are even a problem as I'm sure there is matching money out there, or assistance. We will have to check. They really are not that expensive anyway.

I paid $30 to have the two mailboxes and posts we have now painted. No repairs.

I am very interested in looking into it more. Let's get more input.


Locking Mailboxes Next Step

I would think the next step is to get it on the agenda for the next board meeting, to look into the idea. You need to gather some support from your neighbors, and others in the area. I am sure it will require a vote of the homeowners. I think it can be done at a special meeting. A petition with 10% of the homeonwers (37) should be all that is required to call a ''Special Meeting''. 30% of the homeowners is required for a quorum. (112). Then I think it 2/3 vote of the members present by proxy or quorum is needed to make an amendment. We should get together and discuss this when we have the Declaration of Covenanats and By-Laws in front of us.
I'm available on Saturday mornings at Barnie's for Coffee with Larry. Let me know and I will have the documents with me and we can form a plan.
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