Congratulations on this neighborhood link, this is very good. I just wanted to remind everyone that part of the discussion prior to the bus barn agreement involved the traffic concerns in the area of the new store. One issue still needing attention is the light at Nashville and Mag. It is a two minute light, longer than most, to accommodate buses returning to the barn. It is supposed to be changed to a normal sequence by the city traffic engineers. It is already creating a back up problem. Also, it has been noted by several people that the pedestrian sidewalk in the rear of the store is being used for overflow parking by selfish /lazy individuals and police cars. This is not good. There are people who still use the sidewalks here. A suggestion for pedestrians: a blinking light on Magazine,in front of the store to give pedestrians the right of way in the crosswalks would be nice.The store is a beauty, a real asset to this community. Please forward these concerns to the whole foods folk and others. Thank you for allowing me to join your discussion.