Lake Bosse Oaks

September.October 2012

No Regrets, by Debi Walter

Every person has one. It doesn’t matter whether you’re young or old, black or white, tall or short, male or female. When we entered this world it began, and it will not end until we take our last breath. Even then it may continue long after we’re gone.

Yes, every person from the beginning of time has a story. It is the story of their life experiences while they walked this earth. Some are good at passing their story on, and some never mention it to anyone else, either for shame or thinking no one really cares.

But telling our story not only has the potential to help others, it also helps us learn the lessons life sends our way. Living each day without regard for these lessons robs not only us, but those coming along behind us as well. Sadly this happens all too often. 

I can testify that many in the younger generation don’t care to know or ask their elders what they’ve seen and learned during the span of their lifetime. How do I know? My grandmother died when I was 19. I had many regrets when I realized there were stories I would never know about her because I never took the time to ask. Twenty-five years ago I started asking my mom questions about her. I learned things that I had no idea were part of our family’s history. I was intrigued and saddened at the same time. What I would give today to hear her tell me her story from her perspective.

Twelve years ago I began writing her story as if she were telling it to me. Since I don’t know all of the details, much of what I’ve written is fiction. But a good portion of it is based on facts I’ve discovered after careful study and research. 

I’m excited to say that on September 17th my first novel will be published. It is titled, Through The Eyes of Grace, and is based on the life of my maternal grandmother, Grace Stella Kirwin Oswalt. It is a dream come true for me and one my mom has joined me in discovering. She has always told me a library of information is lost whenever someone dies, and she’s right. That is unless some one takes time to ask good questions while they still have the chance. 

Many don’t ask the questions because they don’t know how to begin. This is why in the back of my book I’ve provided over 100 questions to help you get started in discovering your own story. I hope you’ll read my book, but more importantly that you’ll not let another day pass without discovering your own family’s story. It may be that there’s a lesson in it you might have missed had you not asked.

May there be no regrets after a loved one in your family has passed. This is my prayer for you. 

I invite you to visit my author blog: for more information.  

President's Corner, by Donna Kress

Summer is now behind us, a new school year has begun, and hopefully some cooler temperatures are on their way. Last edition I talked about time, and here, we are now in September and it seems as though we have turned yet another corner, Fall is upon us. 

At the Association, Fall signals a quickly approaching end to yet another great year here at Lake Bosse Oaks.  In addition to carrying on the routine tasks, our focus has already shifted into 2013! 

I am hopeful that most of you have and read emails, and if so, you would have received one from the 2013 LBO Nominating Committee headed up by Susan Sears and supported by Mike McKee, Angelo Intravaia and Jackie Birket. The committee will be accepting recommendations for nominations through Wednesday, September 12, 2012 for the 2013 Board of Directors. We will vote for the Board at the Annual Meeting in November. If you would like to become more active in our community, and have the time to commit, please contact Susan. 

Speaking of the Annual Meeting, I have a date change to announce. This year’s meeting will be the SECOND Saturday in November, November 10, 2013. Please note that change on your calendar and plan on attending; we need all of your votes, so if you cannot attend on that date, please take advantage of voting by proxy. Be on the alert for the official notice which will be mailed out to each of you by October 3, 2012.

As in the past, we will hold the Fall celebration and the Chili Cook Off contest that same day at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.

I would like to acknowledge all those that organized and participated in the National Night Out safety awareness event in August. Although, we had a slight time delay due to the rain, we were still able to hold the event. 

In conclusion, I would like to thank our neighbor, Dan Birket for volunteering his time and engineering expertise for designing and installing the new lighting of the island on Rinn Way. By volunteering, Dan saved the Association several hundred dollars in the cost of this project. Supporting Dan in the installation was Caroline Dales, Susan Sears, Jackie Birket and me. The island is now brightly illuminated and further enhances the aesthetics of the entrance at Magnolia Homes Road.

Neighborhood Watch, by Mike McKee

If you are not receiving information or Neighborhood Crime Alerts from Mike McKee, there is a great chance that your email address has changed, or he never received and email from you.  


Please take a few minutes of your time to email him so he may add you to the database.  All email addresses are kept confidential.


Thank you.

"ARB" Wired, by Jasmine Perris

Dear Neighbors,


Our efforts this summer have been heavily focused on improving the appearance of our two abandoned homes on Greenfern Drive and any additional properties requiring immediate attention. The ARB continues to communicate with Orange County Code Enforcement and we are very grateful for their support! In situations like these, the process is slow and takes time to see results.


The upgraded streetlights will be installed after November 1st, but no time line has yet to be determined per the Orange Administration Center controller. They can be reached at 407-836-5770.  


The next priority is to address: Lawn Care. For those brave souls who improved their landscaping this very hot summer, kudos to you! And THANK YOU! We will be looking at yards not mowed regularly, yards entirely overgrown with weeds, yard debris, significant bare spots, and nuisance conditions. The ARB will be working on ensuring that lawns are landscaped with sod, mulch, plants or an alternative ground cover.


Warmest regards,

ARB Team!

Invasion of the Hawks, by Bonnie Anderson

Our backyard is a welcoming station for feathered friends.  I’ve seen some beautiful species dining right outside our window.  In addition to the year-rounders like Cardinals, Blue Jays, Carolina Wrens and Mourning Doves, in the winter we welcome American Goldfinches and Painted Buntings.  Recently a Common Yellowthroat has been added to our list of visitors.  He seems to be staying with a family of Titmice, and they all visit several times throughout the day.

Sometime around the first of March signs pointed to an imminent change in our yard’s peaceful ambiance.  It began with a pair of Red Shouldered Hawks mating in the tree next door, which I witnessed.  About a week later, we saw the pair beginning to build a nest high in a tree over our backyard.

I was excited to have hatchlings that I could watch grow up, but little did I know what I was in for.  They gave birth to two babies in May, but apparently they weren’t the only growing family in the trees above us.  By the time the babies started to leave the nests we easily had eight hawks living in the trees between our house and the Jones’ house next door.  

They wake up earlier than I do, and they are not at all considerate of those below.  Their incessant squawking became my alarm clock.  Many mornings I would drag myself out of bed to see what the racket was all about only to find a hawk perched atop my bird feeder as the sun came up.

It really began to lose its thrill when the song birds that frequent my feeder became intimidated by the eight or so hawks that sat on our fence, roof, bird feeder, and even our bird bath.  I also was developing a severe neck ache from watching the birds high up in the trees.  Thankfully, they have all gone their own way now.  The other birds relax as they feed, and my neck has healed up.  I guess we’re good until next spring, because I understand they like to return to the same nesting area yearly.  They may make a morning person out of me yet.


It is time to nominate those who would like to serve on our next Board of Directors for 2013.

If you are interested in helping our neighborhood be the best it can be then we want YOU!

Our annual elections of the Board for 2013 will take place the 2nd Saturday of November (10th). We will vote for those who desire to serve our community it this way.

To get your name on the ballot all you have to do is email Susan Sears by Sept. 12th.

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