Lake Country Property Neighbors

Traffic Calming

Posted in: Redwood Village
I'm looking for ideas and suggestions for ways we can ''traffic calm''. In other words, how do we get drivers to slow down while driving through our neighborhood? The speed limit on our streets is 25 mph. People are driving 40 to 50 mph down Boren, Hughes and Streamview.
I read a couple of articles on some grassroot ideas. See

Let's open this up for discussion and potentially address at a future meeting.

Let's do something about this problem of speeders!

Serious car accident Boren/Kerch

How ironic I posted the message regarding traffic calming and there was a very serious car accident on the corner of Kerch St. and Boren in the a.m. of August 25. I don't know all the details but I saw the results! The car sped down Boren and apparently lost control and flipped landing in a neighbor's yard just inches from hitting the house! We have to do something regarding the speeders in our neighborhood. Let's work with city, police and neighbors to ''take back'' our neighborhood streets. Please remember that the speed limit on our neighborhood streets is 25 mph. It starts with us, our families and friends obeying the speed limit in our neighborhood! ''Safety First, Drive 25, Thank You - Your Darnall Neighbors.''
''Slow Down'' yard signs

These signs are now available at the SDPD storefront office on University & 59th. The quantity is limited for now, but more will be coming from Councilmember Jim Madaffer's office soon. Call the storefront at 531-1580 for more information on the storefront's hours & sign availability.

By Robin
Slow Down Signs

In addition, we will have signs available at the next Darnall Community Council meeting on Monday March 13 @ 7:00 pm at the Darnall E-Campus 6020 Hughes.
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