Lawn issue
The outlots look very rough, they are being overtaken with weeds, the grass is being taken over by all sorts of weeds. I talked with the lawn guy and he says the upkeep of all the outlots is too overwhelming for his one man operation. He was not under the impression that our expectations were to have him weed and control weeds in the grass areas. He says if that was the case, he would have given a higher bid at the time of the bidding process. I told him that we are going to need to look for a company with more experience and to fix a problem that is getting bigger as the summer goes on. He agreed but still wanted the job to cut the grass. I told him I would see about that. I feel bad for the guy because he is doing what he thought we wanted. But I said we need more. Thus we are going to need to pay for it! What about chemlawn to come out for the interim to treat the weeds. We need to lay commercial weed barrier in the outlots and get more mulch so they can be more maintenence free. The outlots have been edged and they really need to get the black stuff down so we don't have this problem every year. That is my suggestion!!