Do you want to bring this volunteer program to your Neighborhood, City or County? Together we can all make a difference and through the many programs that are already in place and organizing local volunteerism......we all make a difference! Neighbors helping Neighbors is about bringing the Neighbor back to the Neighborhood. Asking our own community to help those in need.
If you want to help bring this program forward please let me know how you can volunteer to start a program in your area, help contribute to this site or even take the site to a higher level. To ask your local goverment, civic organizations, County Leaders, Private donors and even corporate sponsors to make a very needed movement back to our American way of life. We support or own neighbors through Sweat Equity to help those around us improve their quality of life.
www.volunteerpalmbeach.blogspot.com could be your next blogspot where you live. www.volunteer(your name here)
A place for Non-Profits, Civic, Local Municipalities, County, State, Private and all groups to promote and recruit Volunteers to help people in need. Finding resource solutions to the challenges they face. NHNP works and partners with many organizations to ensure that everyone that needs assistance are directed to the appropriate agencies. For additional information please contact Robert Waples at robertwaplesii@yahoo.com. Lets share ideas, plans and the next step of making this a serious change in todays way of life.