I want to suggest that more residents attend the County workshops in Orlando, Fl. They have extremely informative and valuable information. The main topics this week was the disposal of large items and where you can take them such as TV's.
The thing that I found to be most interesting was the fact the so many people throw their plasic bags into the recycle bin. This , according to the presenters cause a worker to have to cut them from the sorter.A phamphlet is avaiable of everything that is recyclable.
They are also finding that residents are now mixing the garbage with the recycles, because of the 95 gallon containers.
Another issue was with the Lakes that contain algea or become contaiminated. It has been discovered that chemicals and animal waste are washing into the lakes/
Even though most of the residents are careful about the disposal of grass clippings, some are washing them to the gutters, that empyy into the Lakes. It was suggested that they are blown back onto your lawn and dog waste be picked up