I thought it would be convenient to have a place where al the neighbors could share information with each other such as providing and updating contact information, posting photos you are particularly proud of or that would be of general interest, adding to the discussion or events calendar, or just to get to know each other a little better.
I'm still learning about security, so for now I'm willing to be the guinea pig. It appears that in order to edit you must register as a user with the host of this website and then request permission from the administrator(s) of this specific neighborhood, which I think must be me. To request permission, it looks like you just need to try to add something the first time. If others have concerns or comments about this, please email me at HEnnulat@comcast.net. Other information about myself. I'll put in the contacts area in my profile.
For those of you who are comfortable with this, please add contact information as you are comfortable.
I'm hoping we'll be able to keep each other up to date and to discuss topics of neighborhood interest.
I don't have anything particular in mind, but I did find it convenient to be able to email my 3 other neighbors who share our mailbox "stand", to coordinate and share costs in the post replacement project when both posts were rotted out. This got me thinking about other projects and concerns others might have.
I've thought of a few topics now, and have posted these in the discussion area.
I found Neighborhood Link and am evaluating if it would be useful for our neighborhood. So far it looks promising.
Let me/us know what you think by emailing or posting replys to the "What do you think about a website for our neighborhood? post in the Discussion area.