Hi, i will be a new resident sometime there at L.o.t.W. this summer and all the times and everyday and week there keeps being millions and lots of those trees leaves keep falling all over and make our driveways and lawns and streets a mess always. We just clean and broom them up then it becomes a mess over and over again. Doesn't our Luke brothers landscaping service see after all these leaves and streets mess every week and get the lawns and streets to look cleaner????? We resident's should not be having to rake and get these leaves up and off our lawns,driveways as we are paying for landscapers to do the works. I see some dirveways have piles of leaves setting out by the street and what does this mean???????/ Are we owners allowed to rake sweep our lawn and driveways mess of oak leaves to the curb for Landscaping crews to clean and pick up the pile mess?????????? How else does our lawns and streets get cleaned from these leaves???????