Lakefield Forrest HOA

Lakefield Forrest Community Related Topics








You will be contacted to sign a petition regarding the condition of our streets.

We are asking that the entire sub-division be repaved to restore the appearance.



Annual Report


The community has requested a 2013 Annual Report.

This will be distributed with the association dues letters that will be mailed on 6/15/14.



Recent Crime


  • Homeowner held at gunpoint as thief attempted to drive away in his car.

     A burgundy stratus was seen driving suspiciously in the sub-division.

     We must all keep an eye out for anything that looks out of the ordinary.


  • Homeowner’s front door was kicked in by a robber.

     Nothing was taken, but the homeowner’s were in the home when it                    occurred.




Lake re-stocking


The Lake has been re-stocked with additional Bass and grass eating carp.

We are unable to purchase crappies at this time because it is released in the winter.



Summer time is coming


  • Please make sure you maintain your grass and hedges. 
    • Perform regular edging to improve the overall appearance of our sub-division.
  • Parking of personal vehicles on the street is not permitted. 
    • Please govern yourself accordingly.



Dumping problem


Some dumping has occurred under the power lines.  We are working with Clayton County Refuse Department to get ‘No Dumping’ signs and have this area cleaned up.







Our new Website is up and running.  We are in the process of adding several community related topics to it.  Check it out:



Upcoming Community Events


      “   T E A CH   O U R   K I D S

                     T O   F I S H   D A Y   “


Saturday, June 14th

Time: 8 am – 12 pm

We will have experienced fishermen on hand to provide instructions to our 

 young anglers to help develop their love of fishing.

Light refreshments will be served.



       1st Annual Community Yard Sale


All residents can place items for sale on their front lawns from 8 am – 5 pm on:   Saturday June 28, 2014.

Another one will be scheduled for August.

Need volunteers to hang up signs!!!                       Call Tweedie at 203-829-1024.




All faded shutters must be re-painted immediately to avoid fines. If your shutters are faded and dull, call our experienced painter to get them restored right away.                               John Hare 678-754-7228.                               Color options:  Country Blue, Black, Tan, Wintergreen

Posted by Albert Wright on 05/21/2014
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