Present: Joe, Joyce, Maury, and Vanessa.
Joe, our new President, called the meeting to order.
Minutes read and accepted.
How we receive communications was brought to the table. We will accept written communication only through E-mail and post office box. All outgoing letters should be signed from Lakemont Homeowners Association.
Financial report: balance of $5,707.65. $1134.00 check paid to Mr. McDermott's office.
Future Property Management was discussed and looks feasible. We will discuss in future, closer to time to hire one.
The directors will be responsible for a group of homes each.
Joe - Sandywood
Joyce - Malletwood 1734 to 1010
Maurice - Malletwood from corner of Peachwood to 1734
Vanessa - Peachwood and cul-de-sac of Malletwood to 1010
The sign will be visited again around December or January.
We must have annual meeting on the same day every year. Joe to come up with a day in May.
Welcome Vanessa! Vanessa to take over the Secretary position. Joe and Vanessa to split the duties. They will meet with Joyce at Sunday at 2:00 to go over duties and pick up supplies from Joyce.
Next meeting date not picked at closing. Joe will get with Maury and Vanessa to pick date.