Las Hadas

6-26-07 Meeting Minutes

Posted in: Westleigh
Neighborhood Meeting
Westleigh Neighborhood Association
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.
at YMCA Facility
4141 Meadows Lane
?• Code Enforcement
?• Metro/Crime Data Analysis
?• Neighborhood Survey Results
?• Welcome & Introductions
?• Code Enforcement - Supervisor Pam Hines stated her enforcer, Don Ernst, had initially cited 15 properties. As of today, 13 are closed, 2 have been assessed fees and 1 has gone civil. The 2 properties are on Douglas and Melville. Pam explained the fee assessment process which starts at the second visit 10 days after the first for $120 ; 5 days later at $180 fee and $150 civil penalty; afterwards can go criminal at $500. Vacant property is cleaned up at owner?’s expense and the property liened. Code Enforcement is updating their brochure detailing what enforcement issues they cover. They will come out if a pool is drained improperly, alley issues, parking on property and no curb cut-out for a driveway. Call Pam at 229-4923. They are looking into a graffiti tracking system which will aid in the apprehension of taggers. Don Ernst will be back in the neighborhood to address the more egregious code enforcement violators once his immediate, high priorities are abated.
?• Metro/Crime Data Analysis - (tabled due to conflicts)
?• Neighborhood Survey Results (handouts) - 23 sign-ins ,7 couples.
?• Citizens Concerns: alley debris, needing speed bumps, repainting of fire zone, sidewalk repair, dead trees...
?• Meet & Greet: Best - central location, trees, charm and history. Worst - speed, dirty alleys, property maintenance, graffiti, traffic....

Other Business:
?• Traffic study was completed, however, a finalized report was not available which will be reviewed once it is received. In summary, Westleigh did NOT meet their 800 volume criteria. We had 200 - 300. Tarkanian?’s office has offered recourse in appealing any decisions by the Traffic Engineers.
?• Historic Designation (HD) is requiring the coordination of Planning, HD Coordinator and Tarkanian?’s Office to determine the exact steps in the process as they are unclear. Some initial steps: validate homeowner signatures on file, photos, action plan, grant money, etc.
?• Another Neighborhood porch in the Fall.
?• The Association meetings will be taking July and August off due to summer vacations of the Westleigh neighbors.
?• The Association will be requesting the presence of Lois Tarkanian?’s office at our meetings so they are actively involved in our neighborhood.
?• Notice of Property Variance case ?“ROC-2519111'' at 1247 Douglas.

Next meeting will be September 25, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.. Location to be determined.
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