JUNE 16, 2004
***The two vacancies on the board have been filled with the appointments of Russ Marohnic and Mike Frain. They will serve until the next election cycle, scheduled for February 2005. The board members and slate of officers are as follows:
Ken Dry President/Treasurer
Arthur Messinger Vice President
Sherry Mischel Secretary
Russ Marohnic Director
Mike Frain Director
*** Residents Present: Fern Marohnic, Mrs. Friefield, and John Brothers
***Ken, Sherry and Russ were present for the meeting. Art and Mike participated via teleconference. The meeting was called to order by the President, Ken Dry. The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and approved.
1. There are 6 homes up for sale, 2 are in escrow.
2. The Sunday guard, Dennis Pioth, has quit.
3. A paint contract with KORO has been finalized. Painting will start August 1.
4. Conditional approval has been given for an addition to the Horsey residence (Lot 56?—8486 N. 84th Pl.).
5. Pool area?—chaises are in for re-strapping?—due back July 7th. The stained pool chairs have been removed and stored. Two or three more small tables are needed for the pool area. Coverings are needed for the pool handles?—Bob will get dimensions and price.
6. Trees needing attention have been listed. We have received two bids, approximately $2,600. Trees will be scheduled to match cash flow.
7. Weed season?—Paramount Landscape will spray for all varieties of weeds the week of June 18. They will fertilize the grass on July 1 with fertilizer containing weed killer. The grass will be de-thatched in the next few months and re-seeded in October.
1. Tennis court rules and regulations?—there have been some problems with people adhering to the rules.
2. North Tennis Court repair?—this may be more complex than first thought. Lots 103 and 104 next to the court on the lakeside also have foundation cracking. A core drilling will be done and its results will determine the next step.
3. The board will discuss in the coming months, what to do about painting of the units after the first round is completed by the end of the year. Something has to change. Some items for consideration?—the possibility of changing the CC&R?’s, giving the responsibility of painting to the homeowners, or raising monthly dues and keeping responsibility with HOA.
4. Violation of community rules?—letters will be sent out to chronic abusers of trash container usage, street parking, inappropriate signs, speeding, etc. A handout will be distributed to trades people, listing appropriate procedures, such as speeding, clean up, parking, loud music, etc.
1. Review landscape requirements for next four months?—Russ will work on a modernization plan for the front entrance. Otherwise, we are in a maintenance mode.
2. Budget history was given to board members, to put in numbers for projected expenses.
3. In the coming months, we need to discuss Bob Wallace?’s contract, and Christmas bonuses for employees.
Homeowners present were very concerned about people speeding in the community?—tradesmen as well as residents. The HOA will continue to address this issue.
***Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 21, 2004 tentatively in Bob Wallace?’s office.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Mischel