JANUARY 19, 2005
All board members were present except for Russ Marohnic. This was the final meeting before elections and annual meeting next month. Board members are as follows:
Ken Dry---------President/Treasurer Russ Marohnic--Director
Art Messinger?—Vice President Mike Frain-------Director
Sherry Mischel?—Secretary
Homeowners present:
Barb Goldfarb Norm Cocanour Tom/Carol Edwards
Barbara/David Kelsey
***Minutes from last month?’s meeting were reviewed and approved.
1. There are currently ten properties for sale.
2. The waterfall/pond feature as you enter the community is not in operation due to a pump failure. It will cost $1726 for repair, $1472 plus installation for optional protective circuits. Monies for this project will come out of operating funds.
3. The olive trees are being trimmed by LPHOA employees. A full load of debris has been hauled out everyday since the project began.
4. The citrus trees will be harvested soon. An outside company will pick the fruit and give to food pantries here in the valley.
5. Spring flowers will be planted soon. The plan is to put in flowers that bloom year after year.
Architectural?—it has been reported that Scottsdale limits the number of two story homes there can be in a planned community. This will be confirmed as it would affect the requests of several homeowners to add onto their homes.
Landscaping?—we are currently in the maintenance mode.
Financial?—we pretty much broke even by the end of 2004. We need to build up our reserves as we have some big projects coming on line?—redo of North Tennis Court, repair cracks in South Court, pool work.
The board has agreed on guidelines to enforce parking rules and regulations. All homeowners will receive the guidelines shortly. Any questions should be directed to Bob Wallace, or a board member. There has also been concern regarding homeowners giving clickers to the front gate to people other than family and guests(housekeepers, gardeners, etc) Any workers entering the community must stop at the front gate and be admitted by the guard.
A new HOA board will be elected next month. Four vacancies will be filled. Any resident interested in running should give their resumes to Bob Wallace as soon as possible. Norm Cocanour has submitted a bio and will run for the board.
Ken Dry would like to schedule a trial use of the Rhino tennis court surface (this is being considered for the North Court). Please contact Ken if interested.
A question was asked regarding when the North Tennis Court will be redone?—the plan is for the end of this year, or early part of 2006.
The next meeting will be February 22, 2005, our annual meeting, at the Via Linda Senior Center at 7 p.m.
Via e-mail, the board made a decision on the request by the Garinos to remove their pine tree. The decision is as follows:
Request by owners of Lot 45 to have the HOA remove the pine tree from the front yard is denied. The board (5-0) does not think that the tree is dying or that it is the cause of the structural problems or dangers sighted by the owners. The tree is scheduled for trimming which will include topping off and cutting back to decrease its diameter. Keeping the area free of pine cones will also be done during weekly area policing. If the Garinos still wish to remove the tree, they may do so at their own expense. If they do so and wish to replace it with another type of tree, the Board will supply a list of acceptable types from which to choose.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Mischel
Secretary of LPHOA