The first meeting we are have for LCW will lay down the ground work and foundation for our watch. We will discuss future and current goals of our watch. We will establish a structure for the watch and decide on future meetings and tasks.
Introduction: Introduction of families of the neighborhood and explain the purpose of the meeting. As families introduce themselves they will explain where they live and what they would like to see change or happen in the neighborhood.
Discuss the Issues: Everyone attending regardless of age will have a chance to voice any issue and their opinion.
Issues: (Signs for the neighborhood), (Residents patrol and courteous watches), (Break Ins and crime in the neighborhood), (Leash law and proper animal care set up for Hoke County), (Residents leaving town or work schedule), (Open Forum) and all Issues will be prioritized and time limited so as to we don?’t beat a dead horse or bog an issue down.
Issues / Tasks / Volunteers
Rules, Board, Leadership, Funds and Voting
Website and Contact information for households
Set a date for the Next Meeting: It is essential to agree on a date and time for the next meeting before adjourning. Those who attend may voice their preferences and those not can call Sparky and share what they have to add.