I attended the meeting last night at the Government center and discovered that there are three separate projects going on to I94. After speaking to 3 different DOT people, we have been encouraged to contact Stacey Rusch at WI DOT, as well as our legislators. Would you take a moment to send an email to these people asking for mitigation? One voice doesn't squeak very loudly, but many voices do. Hopefully louder than the interstate.
Here are the email addresses:
stacey.rusch@dot.wi.gov --Stacey Rusch (1-715-836-4628)
Rep.Knudson@legis.wisconsin.gov -- Rep. Knudson (1-608-266-1526)
Sen.Harsdorf@legis.wisconsin.gov -- Senator Harsdorf (1-608-266-7745)
Congressman Duffey (1-202-225-3365)