By-laws: Several of the officers and board members met in June 2005 at Booker Walker's home to create the by-laws for the Class of 1973. We will be mailing a newsletter to all classmates with details on the by-laws soon.
Scholarships: In May 2005, the Class of 1973 awarded two scholarships at the Annual National Alumni Scholarship Breakfast held on May 21st. The breakfast was held at the beautiful Bruce Watkins Cultural Center on Brush Creek. A total of fourteen scholarships were awarded, and we were proud of the fact our small organization was able to award two of the fourteen scholarships. Our recipients were Camille Hardiman and Ivan Walker.
Ida Merritt-Wallace and Maria Arrington were members of the Alumni scholarship committee. Maria also Co-Chairmaned the Alumni Event Committee. This committe planned and organized the breakfast. It was a wonderful event with great food.
Skating party: We hosted our second annual skating party on June 4th, at the Grandview Skateland.
Benevolent Announcements: We extend our prayers and condolences to the families of Rita Murray, and George Yeargins, and to the following classmate who lost family members recently. Phillip Pernell, Linda Lyman, Lee Cason, Kenneth Samuels, William "Skip" Hill, Maria Arington and Redena Canady.