Thank you for your concern Oralia,
As of this time and date our association has but one active committee and that is the ACC. You have said that you would be willing to serve on the Christmas committee and I thank you foe wanting to. What we need here in Lincoln Park (LP) are people who would be willing to serve on a combination of committies, as well as being the chairperson of these committies. Let's say for instance, the Christmas Decoration committee acts as the Annual Picnic also. the ACC committee could also take on the National Night Out event. There is little reason that our association could not be more active with the number of residents wanting to take an active role in LP. Please get the word out, talk to your neighbors. lrt them know there are a few people here in LP who would like to see our HOA become one of the top HOA's in this part of San Antonio. I have contacted Mr. Justin Rodriguez's office (District 7 Councilman) and have asked if he could attend our National Nite Out This Oct 08. I have recieved a positive response from his executive secretary and will be sending her further information soon. We can start doing positive things now and hopefully by the time our Annual Voting Membership Meeting comes around, we will have more than enough members present to vote into office a new Board of Directors for LP. Thank you for your commitment to our area of the world.