Well it is not smart for a Police Officer to POLICE his/her neighborhood (and against LMPD Policy) unless there are chances of serious physical injury or Death. I thought the speeding problem was worse than it is until I sat and ran my radar several days. There is an occasional speeder, but for the most part, everyone is going under 30 MPH. I don't want to pull over or write speeding tickets to all my neighbors I have to live with everyday. If you see a speeding Police car, Please report them (Call 311 and give license plate or 4 digit number on the car), you may find out they are simply on a run or simply speeding and need to be reported. I will tell you that if I were riding the beat in Apple Valley and I was dispatched on a car break-in that was in progress, or my beat partner called out on 2 suspicious males at 3 am in the back of the subdivision, I would be driving faster than the posted speed limit. The policy does not allow the use of lights and sirens in the 2 examples I have given, but you can bet I will be driving fast to get to your car thief or my beat partner. Remember Officer Grignon was murdered while responding to a car fire and stopped 2 males walking away and Officer Grignon was shot and murdered. It's easy to sit at a keyboard and criticize the Police when you don't walk in their shoes.