Meadowbrook Acres (OKC) Neighborhood Association


Local Area Information for Meadowbrook Acres (OKC) Neighborhood Association

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Roofing who has used who

I have had alot of roofers come inspect my roof saying to open a claim and they could even cover part of my deductable. had any one got a new roof. if theres two i appologize the first time it frooze... more
Started: May 28th 2009Replies: 6

Speed bumps, how to get the city to allow it

We have a speeding issue of drivers using our street to bypass the main roads traffic. The will consistently drive 40 mph and we tried everything legal that we know. If anyone has any helpful info we... more
Started: April 16th 2012Replies: 6


A Neighbor of ours seems to be a bit on the (not so clean) nature by not putting their trash out and it sits festering in the sweltering heat for at least a week before they (possibly) put it out the... more
Started: July 20th 2015Replies: 0
Resource Guide
EPA's Targeted Watershed Grants Program
Susquhana_thThe EPA watershed grant program
Connecticut - The Constitution State
CtthumbConnecticut gets its name from an Algonquian word meaning "land on the long tidal river."
Holiday Decorations And HOAS
HolidaydecorationssmDoes your homeowners association have a policy on holiday decorations? Should it?
What are Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)?
Gra-taxesthumbHealth Savings Accounts will change the way millions meet their health care needs


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