Our money

Posted in: Castlegate
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  • granny02
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You were one of the fortunate ones to be a few rows up, as it was I was just in front of her and my ears are still ringing....

Your idea of grass root campaign is a good idea, We need to know more about the person we are voting on~ I know that going door to door can be scary you never know what response you may get~ but at least you get to meet some of your neighbors, that live in other parts of the community, and in the  process  they are getting to know you as well.

I totally agree!  The community needs to know what is going on.  As stated...not many go to the meetings like we should, so we do not know what is going on.  As soon as they know...bye bye board members.  You have kept us all in the dark long enough.  Let people who belong in those positions take over so we can be the community you have kept us from being. 

Really????  Did you think you could really get away with losing 300 AND SOME THOUSAND DOLLARS?  In the positions you are in...HOW DID THAT NOT THROW UP LIKE A MILLION RED FLAGS.  HOW DO YOU LOSE THAT MUCH MONEY???? GOT TO QUESTION ETHICS!

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  • ashford
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
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Ditto! I think there should be accountability. As I said before, by not answering where the money went, I am left to assume that it was mismanaged. And I don't want to hear another word about how Kachina did it without the board's consent. If this was the case, Kachina would be sued for misappropriation of funds- there is an attorney on retainer, right? I have worked in too many places where at least one person says the other did it and no one will step up and be accountable, so I guess I don't buy it.

I triple-dog-dare any board member to prove me wrong and give me a call to explain what happened. I will take the time to pull up the financials and go through them with you like a civil adult. If this is just hype and ther is a logical explanation- call me. Prove me wrong and I will be the first to support you.


  • Stock
  • ashford
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
  • 103 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Okay, thanks for taking up my triple-dog-dare just seconds after I posted. I think I have a better understanding of what occurred with the financials from Kachina and the board now. I do have to say that After all this screaming and arguing about the problems I am still upset that this second-grade type of menagerie had to keep going on to get an answer, but I do however commend the one board member for stepping up to say and do the right thing. Every meeting I have attended (which is most of them) I have seen this member try to answer questions and listen with an open mind. Unfortunately, I think there is little back up from the rest of the board and will remain steadfast in my belief that they are not doing what needs to be done. Maybe they can prove me wrong as this one member did.

I will do my part in researching the best alternatives for our community's future. This is my part and I will gladly do something constructive.

Thanks again for the phone call and for taking the initiative to help me understand what happened. :) 

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