Social/Neighborhood Events

Posted in: Sycamore
Please help us out :)
Several of your neighbors have expressed a desire to have some fun events that would permit us to get to know each other.
We need your IDEAS!!
Our Club House is limited to 31 people;
so that makes it difficult to hold a
neighborhood-wide event there. But,
during the year we could do some outdoor events, or even events out of the neighborhood (perhaps at a park or theater).
Give us your thoughts and ideas.
email them to
or to
It's your neighborhood :)
What do you want to do? :) :)
Small Interest Groups

The club house could be used for smaller groups who may have a common interest. For example, a bridge club, bible study, quilting club or other activity that would appeal to a smaller group in the community. If residents were interested in organizing an activity, they could be responsible for seeing that the facitity was used and cleaned properly afterwards.
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