Lowe Estates Neighbors


Posted in: Tone Estates
I don't know about you but I am beginning to feel like the board has been harassing neighbors. Someone has been climbing on the fences around my home and upsetting my PUPPY! Now I am receieving treating letters from the HOA stating the if I can't control my dog that I will be fined! This is DURING THE DAYTIME HOURS!! There is no law in Gilbert or any other community that states that you can't leave your dog out while you are at work now I am faced like so many other neighbors of ours with the choice to remove a family member or move from the neighborhood. Yet again another house for sale again driving down the prices of the homes in our neighborhood.

Let's set the record straight. First of all, the board did not instigate a letter about a barking dog, a neighbor did. Secondly, even if it was a board member, the board member would have been acting as a resident, not as a board member. Are you trying to say a board member does not have a right to complain? Thirdly, I do not believe anyone has to be climbing on fences to hear a barking dog, or to figure out what yard it is in. You say there is no law in Gilbert or any other community that states that you can't leave your dog out while you are at work. If there is, or is not I cannot say. However there are laws and rules about nuisances. The CC&R's state in part ''No loud, noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on or permitted on any lot.'' No doubt Gilbert has a similar rule. Furthermore if you are leaving your dog out while you are at work, you have no idea what your dog is doing. I'm sure the Animal Cruelty Society would not be happy with the Idea of the dog being left out all day. It is your animal and you are responsible for it. You also state you may have to move thus driving down the prices of homes in the neighborhood. Well, I for one would not want to move into a home next to a barking dog. Let's face it that is what would drive home values down. So if that's what you have to do, so be it. The truth of the matter is if any harassment is going on it is by you. You an ex-board member accuse the board of something they had nothing to do with. They did not even know about it, till they received their meeting packet from the management co. Take responsibility for your actions, and take care of your animal!!!!

By Animal Lover
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