Lower Albina Neighbors

Corner of Mason and Cully

Posted in: Cully
Well said

I think we need to remedy this situation in a dignified manner. Not by resorting to the behavior of those we are wishing to change. This nanHotel person needs to chill out on the threats and anger. It is just a forum, not a solve all solution for every problem. More like a sounding board and I think we chould keep it peaceful. What does it say about our neighborhood when we battle one another on here and threaten to throw bricks at cars?

By Loftin
I moved

I remedied the situation by moving out of that awful neighborhood. I was tired of the petty theft and the constant trash dumping, inconsiderate neighbors barking dogs etc. All the neighborhood assoc. does is worry about land use which is really none of their business since they have one of the worst neighborhoods in Portland. Maybe they should address the REAL problems at the meetings. Instead they sit on their fat rumps and eat cookies and do NOTHING to better the day to day life. I actually LOST money on my house, but it was worth it to get out. Good luck to those of you stuck in that area.

By OldHoody
Did I disturb your nap, Loftin?

Of course I must apologize for my delayed response to the ridiculous accusation that I am advocating violence as a solution to disturbances in our neighborhood, but I have been busy outside trying to make the Cully a safer and more attractive place for you and your family. I know all of the police officers that patrol our streets and regularly exchange information reqarding crime and disturbances that impact the quality of life in the Cully. I have also reported several abandoned autos on the streets and also gotten the city to require that a couple of neighbors clean up trash and weeds in their yards. Loftin, what have you done to make this a better place to live? It is obvious that you do not know the difference between literal and figurative speech; sometimes an exggeration is needed to make a point or to get the readers attention. You must have attended a public school that did not have any advanced English classes. You are so like a conservative talkshow host on the radio that so many of my coworkers are so smitten with; these blowheats are so quick to criticize and condem, but are so unwilling to actually participate in the process of making our country or as in your case, our neighborhood a better place. You offer no solutions to the problems that are so widespread in the Cully; if you are interested in solutions; get out of your lazyboy, turn off the cable television, and read just a few of the many posts in which I offer solutions to the problems that plague the Cully area. Do you even know what the ''Broken Window Theory'' is? Loftin, go back to sleep, It has always been only a few people that make a difference; while the majority like you merely just talk about problems and do nothing.
Nanahotel (vigilante nut-job)

You need anger management, this is a forum not a sounding board for all of your woes. Like I said before you need to move to a gated community and out of the inner city.

By MRspurlock
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