Madison Park

4/9/07 Meeting Minutes of Madison Park

Apr 10, 2007

Madison Park HOA 4/9/07
Agenda 28210
Madison Park HOA


Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by President Marty Doss

43 in attendance, plus four officers plus one speaker from Animal Control

Westover Police Crime Stats from Officer Lim:
5736 Murryhill Rd- daytime burglary
4908 Gilmore- theft, car tag stolen
5100 block of Murryhill Rd- theft, computer stolen

Officer Murphy from Animal Control spoke:
-Animal control gets a lot of calls to complain about people not cleaning up their dog?’s waste- pet owners are responsible to do this
-Animal control also gets a lot of calls complaining about barking dogs. If animal control can document the dog barking, the owner can be fined. Barking can be cited anytime, day or night.
-Call 311 to report a barking problem (Officer Murphy suggests leaving your name with the 311, calls without names may not be answered as quickly)
-Call 311 to report a stray dog or possible neglect. Also call to report road kill animals and problem wildlife.
- Officer Murphy also wanted to remind people to keep their pets up-to-date on all required shots. Check the Madison Park calendar for notices about low cost rabies shot clinics and free spay and neuter clinics.

On Saturday, April 28, Shred-it, Office Depot and Crime Stoppers USA are joining forces to help Americans combat identity theft by hosting Community Shred events across the country as part of the 2007 USA National Community Shred campaign. The Charlotte-area shredding events will take place at the following Office Depot locations from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 28: (this is free of charge)
5107 South Blvd. (Near Tyvola Road at Office Depot)
8658 J.W. Clay Blvd. (Off W. WT Harris Blvd.)
4624 E. Independence Blvd. (Near Sharon Amity Road)
1620 South Blvd. (Near East Blvd.)

Neighborhood Symposium
Debra Campbell, Martin Doss, Ingrid Lachner and Matt Magnasco all attended the Neighborhood Symposium on Saturday March 30th. Madison Park had a table presentation that highlighted our events. There were over 1,400 people in attendance. Thanks to Ken Davis for printing out the headings for the display. President Doss was one of four neighborhood leaders that gave a presentation to the full house of attendees. Martin spoke on the use of our web site and how it helps organize and sustain our community. (Over 2,000 people visit our web site every month). The Symposium was titled Neighborhoods in Action Mobilizing, Organizing, and Sustaining Success. Madison Park was honored for our neighborhood with a Certificate of Appreciation. It reads: This certificate is awarded to Madison Park Neighborhood Association in recognition of your outstanding commitment to improving Charlotte Neighborhoods presented this 31st day of March, 2007. The certificate was signed by Stephanie Small Neighborhood Services Manager and Cynthia Woods Neighborhood Services Supervisor.

Quality of Life Study
Marty attended a session that talked about the Quality of Life Study at the symposium. As some of you will recall when the last study came out Marty noted that the Madison Park boundaries were not accurate. Madison Park on the South Side of Tyvola, and all of Montclaire appear on area 196. The area is called Closeburn / Glenkirk. Closeburn Road runs through Park Road Park it is included on the map of 196. There are two streets on the South Park side of Park Road, which is the east side of Park Road, which has the names Closeburn and Glenkirk. This area also barely appears on our map area 196. Madison Park and Montclaire make up the majority of mapped area. Marty had complained to the City and neighborhood development when he discovered this over a year ago. Madison Park is also on area 197. Madison Park is listed as Stable which is a great rating on area 197. Closeburn / Glenkirk area 196 is listed as transitioning. What Marty learned at the symposium from Stanley Watkins over Neighborhood Development is that City Council approved in 2004 name changes to the maps if communities desired them. We cannot change the boundaries yet, but possibly in the future. In order to change the name we must check the number of organizations on the area. Area 196 shows 3. We know of Madison Park and Montclaire. Starmount has a small area between Emerywood and Archdale. Starmount might work as our 3rd Presidents signature required to make the change. Marty does not believe Closeburn / Glenkirk is organized and most likely falls under South Park. They are listed on neighborhood link, but no data is entered. Marty has never met anyone that says that represent a community by this name. In order to change the name, an application requesting a name change has to be filled out. The organization must reflect by our minutes that we are requesting to change the name. The application must be signed by any Presidents of the three areas. The organization requesting the name change must provide its signature and one other signature from the initiating area requesting it. You must also state the reason for the request. In this case the name is not reflective of the two main communities. The minutes showing we voted to change the name must be included with the application and sent to Neighborhood Development. Marty was thinking that we should just call it Montclaire at first since we have an area called Madison Park. However after looking at all the other areas in the study, he discovered many areas have two names. Marty then suggested to Montclaire that we call it just what it reflects Madison Park / Montclaire. Montclaire?’s board met on Tuesday April 4th, 2007 and voted to change the name. They wish to use just their name Montclaire. Their reasoning was that they were afraid that if they include our name the area would be upgraded to stable, and they would not be able to get a matching grant. Marty replied that matching grants has nothing to do with these ratings. Matching Grants are available to organized associations with a median household of $61,117. Madison Park can apply for matching grants as most of our city. All our areas 196 and 197 are trending up which is a good thing. We want all our areas to be Stable.

Marty responded to Montclaire with the following on Matching Grants
A neighborhood organization is eligible to apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant when all of the following apply to the organization:
?• Is established and has been active for at least six months
?• Is created and managed by residents within the neighborhood
?• Is open for membership to everyone in the neighborhood
?• Ninety-five percent of association members live in the neighborhood
?• Has duly elected board officers and established by-laws or governing documents
?• Holds regular meetings and maintains records and board minutes
?• Expands and/or promotes existing neighborhood goals and objectives

Marty told Montclaire that we would discuss this at our meeting and take a vote and he would let them know what we decided. Marty has mixed feelings on the name thing. If we call it Madison Park / Montclaire then it would really reflect the area South of Tyvola as it really exist. However if they let us change the boundaries in the future then area 196 would have to be renamed to just Montclaire. However Marty has been told changing the boundaries will not happen anytime soon. The main thing is we need to get Closeburn / Glenkirk off as the name. Marty told Montclaire whichever way we end up going we need to mark the map of area 196 to show how we are divided when we submit the application.
The floor was open to discussion, one person pointed out that the boundaries are just for this quality of life study. Another member asked if it would just change the name on the map, which it would.
Debra Campbell brought a motion to change the name on the map from Closeburn/ Glenkirk to Montclaire/ Madison Park. This motion was seconded by Matt Magnasco. The motion was approved unanimously. All in attendance supported the name change.
Marty will communicate our areas desires back to the board of Montclaire.

Be a Good Neighbor in Madison Park
Good Neighbor - Do's and Don'ts

The core of a good neighborhood is the type of relationships established among its neighbors. The first step in building a relationship is respecting those next door, down the street and around the corner.
While people have their own ideas of a good neighbor and a good neighborhood, there are some basic standards established either through the City's code and zoning laws or through common courtesies that make life better in your community.
Cut your grass once a week
Clean your gutters regularly
Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors twice a year
Empty excess water collecting in pots, buckets and containers that can attract and breed mosquitoes
Plant perennials for the upcoming year
Schedule bulky items for pickup
Properly display house numbers
Clean up after your pets
Park your car on the front lawn
Store excess trash and debris around your home
Play loud music after 10 p.m.
Park inoperable vehicles on your property
Forget to retrieve trash rollout containers by midnight on your collection date
Allow your dog to bark excessively during the night
Pour contaminants down the storm water drains
Boarded up structures:
President Doss attended a public meeting 4/03/07 that addressed boarded-up-structures-There was a proposal to allow boarding up for only one year. After the year, the boards have to be removed
- Neighborhoods would still have the ability to petition against properties that are boarded up or neglected
- Properties boarded would have to be registered with the city

Update on the house at 5715 Murrayhill Rd:
Paul Deese, (the developer who re-did the Cat House on Farmbrook), is still interested in the house. There are several liens against the house so he decided against purchasing the home. Home might go into foreclosure.

Tyvola Road Adopt A Street Clean Up
Saturday 4/14/07 at 8:30 AM
Please meet at the Marion Diehl Parking lot on the Tyvola Road side of the lot.
Wear Boots, Gloves, Bright Colored Clothing .The City is finally supplying us with Trash bags for the pickup. Marty requested them again through Keep Charlotte Beautiful.
The pick up will be canceled in the event it is raining at the time of the pickup.
We will divide up in teams of three?…if enough people show up will divide up into 6 teams. With 6 teams we can have three teams start at Park Road and work west toward the other group.
We will be removing any illegal signs from roadway or telephone poles
We will try and place all the garbage collected in bags in the median. That way if we have someone with a truck we can collect the trash and take it to a dumpster. We can schedule the city to pick up the trash, President Doss prefers to dispose of the trash in order not to chance it getting scattered again.
Depending on the number that shows up this project takes between 60 ?– 90 minutes to complete. The more people the less time it will take of course. We should be completely finished by 10 am, so please help if you can!

House Numbers
All properties must have their house numbers posted. This came up at the symposium and the City said that homes not displaying house number should be reported to 311. You can just give the block number or the adjacent property numbers. City codes require the number to be posted.

Madison Park Lot Info

Marty had a Doctor from Rock Hill South Carolina e-mail that he would like to move to Madison Park, but the lot he was looking at was very large. He wanted to know if he could divide the lot. Marty replied we have a few double lots and directed his inquiry to Mark Griffin in Zoning. Mark replied the following.
Madison Park is an R-4 single family zoning district. There are a maximum of four single family homes per acre allowed. A half acre lot can be subdivided if it has a minimum of approximately 11,000 sq. ft. (or exactly 1/4 acre) per lot. The R-4 lot must be a minimum of 60 feet wide and be deep enough to accommodate a 30 required setback, five foot side yards and a 40 foot rear yard. Maximum building height is 40 feet. The minimum required open space on the lot is 65.%
You can have a surveyor do the subdivision and get the new lots recorded at the Register of Deeds here in Mecklenburg County. Again, all of the aforementioned requirements must be met prior to a building permit being issued.
If you have further questions about subdividing a piece of property, you may contact the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Dept. at (704) 336-2205 and ask to speak to someone about subdividing property.
Mark Griffin

Code Enforcement Parking in Front Yards
332 Seneca Place had some vehicles parked in the yard several days.
The complaint was closed out by an inspector, but the problem was not corrected 100%, it turns out one of the vehicles broke off a key in the ignition. The inspector, Paris Waddy, intended to recheck the location. The problem is being addressed and has now been corrected.

Marty also heard from a resident on Montford that said she keeps getting code complaints. She assumed he had turned her in for parking in her yard and called him. Marty told her he had not, and this was the first he was hearing of the complaint. Anyway she said she would like to know what was acceptable in the neighborhood. Marty told her we simply follow the codes, city ordinances, and zoning issues that the city uses. We have no restricted covenants. Marty told her he would bring her a packet that he tries to supply new residents with when they move into our community. It contained the code enforcement booklet, curb it packet, welcome letter, police safety booklet, and how to join our HOA. He also invited her to attend our meetings, or to keep up online with our community. She said she would put in a parking pad. Marty told her she can park on the street, that CDOT considered it a traffic calming measure.

Homeless Situation
Marty was alerted that a family on Sandridge was being harassed by a former resident of their home. This man has been showing up on the property, living in the woods across from the home on the Pinewood Elementary Campus, and arguing with the homeowners. Marty suggested the resident contact Pinewood to alert them of the situation. She had just done that the day they spoke. This problem has been evolving over several years and getting worse. The property owners had called the police. Marty contacted Officer Hairston and he replied the following
?“Sgt. Lester and I spoke to Property owner several months ago about the homeless subject. We advised her to call 911 whenever he is on her property. We searched the woods where he supposedly lives but only found a couple of old cans. Officer Lim advised me that he sees this subject uptown several times a week. I pulled up 911 calls and observed where she had him banned from her property. I will call her and advise her to sign a warrant on subject whenever she sees him on her property. I?’ll explain to her that she will have to be involved in the court procedures on this 2nd Degree Trespass case.
This was the first I had heard of this problem. Let us know about things like this so we can try to help by alerting our officers. I can?’t imagine being harassed by a former resident of my home.?”

Tyvola Drive Storm Water Project
The city notified Marty this project is nearing completion. He was also sent a survey card asking if there were any concerns with anything that still needs to be done. This survey thanked residents for being patient and cooperating during the process. The survey is requesting feedback if you have concerns regarding seeding/ fencing/ trees/ or other. Marty imagines South Blvd. phase II will provide residents with a similar form when they project nears completion. Marty knows one of our members on Wedgewood has some concerns with her property including her fence that she is working on and concrete debris on her house. Neither the project manager on her project nor the contractor has been able to provide her with an estimated date when her property will be completely restored. They stated they were aware of her remaining concerns. Hopefully the City will be able to help get this all corrected for our member on Wedgewood soon.
Treasury Report given by Debra Campbell.
We have $809.54 in the bank with 68 paid members. It is $15 a year to join. Please pay your dues if you have not done so. We have a lot of fun events planned this year and need your dues to help pay for them. You can mail your check to Dee McCandlish at 812 Fairbanks Dr, Charlotte, 28210
Welcome to new attendees/members

Garden Club will be meeting at the home of Debra Campbell on Monday April 16th at 7:00 PM. Debra lives at 5718 Wedgewood Drive. You can call Debra at 704 523 6163. Anyone from Madison Park or Montclaire is welcome to attend the monthly meetings of the garden club. Anyone outside our communities is welcome if they contact the host prior to the meeting.
Picnic Committee Plans Update Lyndsey Denlinger
The picnic is scheduled May 26th at Park Road Park Shelter #2. (the middle shelter). This is Memorial Day weekend. Picnic starts at 2:00 PM. Hamburgers, hot dogs and soda will be provided again this year. Please feel free to bring other food, deserts or drink. There will also be door prizes. We will use the reverse 911 calls to remind the neighborhood before the date. Please help spread the word to your neighbors! Please invite at least 5 neighbors to attend the picnic. Rentals are welcome!
Update from Matt Magnasco about the Murryhill Rd street light petition:
-Matt should get the plan back from Duke Power in the next week. He plans to present the info to the street in May. He has to get 60% of the street residents to sign the petition in favor for the new street lights. This 60% is not dependant on who signed or did not sign the initial 25% petition.

Submitted by April Mays

Charlotte, North Carolina

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