Madison Park

Madison Park HOA 11/13/06 Meeting Minutes

Nov 15, 2006

NOVEMBER 13, 2006
Madison Park


The meeting was called to order by Marty Doss, President at 7:33 PM after a well attended 30 minute social period that began at 7:00 PM.

Officer Woodlief gave her report for the South Division which patrols Madison Park south of Tyvola Road. There was no criminal activity to report for October. This was South Division last business meeting. On Jan. 1st all of Madison Park will be under Westover Division.

Officer Hairston from the Westover Division arrived and spoke next. Westover Division had 6 reports of criminal activity within Madison Park:

5034 Wedgewood Dr. Hit & run, damage to property
5226 Murrayhill Rd. Armed Robbery, one suspect arrested
5217 Murrayhill Rd. Attempted motor vehicle theft, entry gained by breaking
500 E. Woodlawn Rd. Hit & run, vehicle struck
430 E. Woodlawn Rd. Breaking & Entering, smashed window/door of vacant
4650 Fairbluff Place Breaking & Entering of church by unknown suspect

Both officers reviewed Safety Tips while Shopping, especially during the upcoming Holiday Season. [See their combined suggestions below.]

Safety Tips for Parking Lots:
1. Park and walk in well-lit areas
2. Walk with confidence, be aware of people around you, and know where you parked.
3. Always lock your car doors after leaving your car.
4. Have your car keys in hand so you don?’t have to linger before entering your car. Check the back seat before you get in.
5. Don?’t leave packages on car seats. Keep packages out of sight in the trunk or under a covered rear cargo area.

Safety Tips While Shopping:
1. Pay with checks or credit cards when possible. Don?’t flash large amounts of cash.
2. Don?’t leave any purchases or your purse unattended while shopping or in a dressing room.
3. Try to carry as few packages as possible. Make multiple trips to your vehicle to store your purchases.
4. Never leave your children alone.
5. If your children get separated from you, teach them to find a cashier or security officer and ask for help.
6. Try to shop with a friend. and not alone.
7. Consider leaving your purse at home. [Stowing it in the trunk when you arrive at the shopping center is not advisable. Thieves are known to watch shoppers arriving at the malls.]
8. Report all suspicious activity. Call 911 with a description.

There are other Tips available from the police on our website at or and key in 28210 and select Madison Park

NOTE: As previously recorded in these minutes, Westover Division will assume patrol responsibilities for all of Madison Park beginning in January. Please attend the upcoming Holiday Social, December 11th to express your appreciation to the officers of the South Division for their service to the neighborhood these many years as well as welcome the Westover Division officers to their patrol responsibilities on the south side of Tyvola.

SEASONAL POLICE REMINDER (reported in previous minutes): You can leave your unoccupied car running on private property without being cited by police. But, it is not smart according to our officers. Car thieves target neighborhoods looking for autos being warmed up on chilly winter mornings even as early at 5:30 am.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department wishes your family a happy and safe holiday season.

GUEST SPEAKER: Michelle Monti, Manager of the Scaleybark Branch of the Mecklenburg County Library spoke on the proposed expansion and relocation of the branch. Construction of a new facility would see the branch grow to occupy space 3 times larger than that occupied by the current rented facility. Proposed sites include property owned by the City that would be earmarked for mixed/use development by the private sector. All three proposals have the branch being relocated across South Blvd from the current facility and as far away as Clanton Rd and South. Ground breaking could be as far away as 2 years. Further updates will be available and our President, Martin Doss, will join a ?“Friends of the Scaleybark Library?” committee. Public commentary meetings on the updated proposals may start as soon as January 2007.

TREASURY REPORT: Dee McCandlish, Treasurer, was not present but had provided the balance in our account for the meeting to Vice President, John Olsakovsky. John gave the report with a current balance of $369.05.

Dues for 2007 are due now. Dues are $15 a year. We currently have over 300 people on our email list. Membership forms are available on the website. Please send dues to Dee McCandlish at 812 Fairbanks Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Make check payable to Madison Park Homeowners Association. Members are expected to pay their annual dues. Membership payment gets you the monthly minutes e-mailed to those that have supplied the association with their e-mail addresses. You are also contacted in the event of any neighborhood issues or problems. Please either mail your dues or attend our next meeting and pay in person. Little more than a $1.00 a month keeps you in the know and gives you the right to vote on issues. You can print our membership dues form and mail to the address on our website at 28210 Madison Park. You are always welcome to choose to pay more than the basic membership fee of $15 a year.

After the Treasurer?’s report, Martin Doss took the floor to note that a Light Rail Open House was scheduled for this Thursday, November 16th at the South Blvd. location (near Scaleybark, but before your get to the convenience store on the right side of South as you?’re heading uptown). The Open House will take place from 4 ?– 6 pm.

Mr. Doss then mentioned that he had been approached by other HOA?’s adjacent to South Blvd. to join together to form an executive committee that would meet quarterly to discuss issues of common interest. Contact Mary Beth Fields, the President of Sedgefield Neighborhood Assn, to find out more at or 7045295035.

Mr. Doss then proceeded to report on the following updates of outstanding issues:
- a street light has been installed on Seacroft Road the first block South of Tyvola
- curbing scheduled for installation at 1900 Tyvola is overdue. CDOT
. says to expect the work any day now
- at their October 23rd meeting, the City council passed an amendment to the ordinance that directs the Dept. of Transportation to consider requests for 3- and 4-way stop signs at intersections that previously recorded in excess of 1,000 vehicular transits per 24hr. period. The ordinance now states that intersections recording in excess of 600 vehicle transits per day may now be considered for the submission of such a request. Based on this change we will now proceed to have 4 way stop signs added at Chedworth and Seacroft, and Baker and Cooper as residents have requested to calm speeding traffic!

Director Matt Magnasco again reported on the scope of his street lighting initiative for Murrayhill and White Oak. He presented updates on the procedural issues and timetables for canvassing residents adjoining the streets, reviewing Duke Energy?’s proposed lighting plan and adjustments/modifications/deletions thereto. Mr. Doss reported that an endorsement letter from the board of directors in favor of Matt?’s initiative had been agreed upon and was in the process of being signed for delivery to Mr. Sandy Wise, Street Lighting Coordinator for Charlotte?’s Dept. of Transportation. Matt noted that the 25% initial petition to start the process will need to come off the two streets.

Continuing his updates, Mr. Doss noted that:
- the number of satellite dish antennas along Kentland, Flagstaff and Tyvola (specifically connected to the Yorktown Apts.) had been reduced substantially down to 6 dishes. Mark Griffin zoning inspector reported to Mr. Doss that York Town management had in their lease a clause that prevented the dishes from being in front of the buildings, yet it was not being enforced. The management said the landscape crews had cut cable lines in the past. Some residents have been issued fines of 50 dollars for failing to relocate their dish after being warned by zoning. Dishes are not allowed in front of homes, or in side yards of corner lots. Large dishes must be screened in rear or side yards.
- leaves in street gutters and storm drains are a 311 (not a 911) concern. Either Storm Water Services or the Code Enforcement division will respond to neighbors reported to be directing or raking leaves toward storm drains, streets or curb guttering. Deneen Horton, Director of Charlotte 3-1-1 sent the following to Mr. Doss
Mr. Doss,
Thank you so much for providing citizen feedback regarding the City of Charlotte's illegal dumping reporting procedures. As Director of CharMeck 311, I am always interested in knowing how we are doing.
Currently, our process for reporting illegal dumping involves a service request, which is forwarded to the appropriate City department for investigation and resolution. However, depending upon the type of debris, the reporting procedures may vary. Your concerns required us to revisit our processes, and have found that they may require more clarity for our call takers to ensure that the correct service request is entered. We will update our procedures to reflect this enhancement.
Again, thank you for taking the time to let us know of your concerns, and those of your community.

A TIMELY NOTE for Dog and Cat Owners (not reported on during the meeting): A free rabies and spay/neuter clinic is going to be held from 7 ?– 11am, at the Animal Shelter 8315 Byrum (near the airport), Saturday, November 25th. For pre-registration information contact: (704) 336-4424.


The meeting was then turned over to the Nominating Committee for our 2007 Board of Directors and Officers election. Cheryl Furr, Secretary, worked on collecting names for the association?’s elected positions. All currently elected executive officers and directors agreed to run again for their respective positions with the exception of Cheryl Furr, Secretary. During the month long collecting of candidates no one came forward other than Eduro Alston to run as a director. Based on this lack of interest in offices and the impeding need the 2006 Board and Officer agreed to all run again. Cheryl Furr our current Secretary agreed to be back up as needed, but could not commit to the entire 2007 year.

Nominations from the floor were moved and seconded. Director nominations were:
Richard Akers, Ken Davis and Eudora Alston. April Mays was nominated for the position of Secretary.

Lars Hedenborg nominated himself for Treasurer from the floor. His nomination was seconded. Ballots had not been prepared prior to the meeting. [No candidate in opposition to the any executive officer?’s position had surfaced in the nominating process conducted after October?’s meeting. None was expected. There will be an election at the January meeting for the Treasurer?’s position.] A motion was made to close nominations from the floor. The motion was seconded and voted in favor by acclamation.

Lars Hedenborg gave a brief overview about himself after his nomination was seconded. Recently married, Lars and his bride will occupy the house at Seneca and Wedgewood currently in the finishing stages of expansion and renovation. Lars mentioned that he owns investment properties in the neighborhood. We welcome his interest and participation in the Madison Park Homeowner?’s Association!

Both candidates will be given the opportunity to present their platforms at the January meeting before the ballots are cast.

With the exception of the Treasurer?’s office noted above, the duly nominated executive officers and directors were elected by acclamation.

President, Martin Doss
Vice-President, John Olsakovsky
Secretary, April Mays (with Cheryl Furr moving to a reserve position).

Directors as follows:
Ted Peters will begin his last 2 year term (before leaving the board for a least one year).
Debra Campbell has 1 year left on her current term and will leave the board at the end of 2007
Ted Harris continues and has 1 year left on his current term.
Ingrid Lachner continues and has 1 year left on her current term.
Matt Magnasco has 1 year left on his current term.
New Directors-elect are: Richard Akers, Ken Davis and Eudora Alston.

Directors can only serve two 2-year terms then they must be out of office for 1 year before serving again.

- ### -

Debra Campbell then gave an update on Garden Club activities. Residents are encouraged to attend the special Wednesday, Dec. 6th Meeting of the Garden Club at the Wedgewood Baptist Church activity room. Christmas Wreaths will be made. Bring whatever you would like to decorate your wreath. Greenery, pins, glue guns, wires, ribbons, gloves, snips. Michaels was suggested for a great retail store for purchasing the wreath forms and supplies.

Mr. Doss recognized Candy Bridges from Parks and Recreation who noted that the Marion Diehl Park Annual Winter Wonderland Lighted Trail will not take place this December due to continuing construction activities within the park.

Mr. Doss proposed moving the date of the Annual Picnic to the Spring from the Fall (as the current calendar of social activities places the picnic and National Night Out just 5 to 6 weeks apart). This will spread our 3 major events out more evenly throughout the year!

Our Holiday Social will take place December 13th. The time will be 7:00 PM since we will be having food and desserts. Diane Gunter, Sue Valentine-Plyler, Eudora Alston, Ingrid Lachner all agreed to help this year. It is always one of our biggest events of the year. If you would like to help or make suggestions contact Diane at You can also use the links for contacts of board members on our website. Please Mark your Calendars and get ready for a fun evening with your neighbors. Attendees are encouraged to bring guests. Everyone is requested to bring desserts, snack items such as nuts, or your favorite party dish. Cheese balls or any other party type food is encouraged. The association will furnish soft drinks, punch and coffee plus tablecloths, silverware and paper goods!



Lamar Gunter presented an update from Queens University regarding developments at its Marion Diehl Park Sports Complex:
- the competition field lights have been activated
- parking lot lights are scheduled for activation at the end of November.
- architects have been hired to design the press box and field house (construction
to start in 2007)
Lamar?’s update had no additional information regarding erosion problems near the competition and adaptive use fields brought to the University?’s attention by members of the association.

Mr. Gunter also reviewed his work as a volunteer with the USO?’s operation at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. He noted that December 18th will be a particularly heavy travel day for military service men and women. Anyone interested in volunteering with the USO feel free to talk with Lamar at (704) 525-0569.

One neighbor noted that HOA meeting announcement yard signs have been stolen in her yard twice now near the intersection of Montford and Halstead.

15 members paid dues at the meeting tonight for 2007. Please pay your 2007 dues ASAP!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM!

Respectfully submitted, for Cheryl Furr, Secretary, by

Ted Peters

Charlotte, North Carolina

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