June 13, 2005
Madison Park
Meetings always the 2nd Monday of each month. Martin Doss, President, called the meeting to order
at 7:30 p.m.
(Remember doors always open at 7:00 p.m. for 1/2 of social time)
Westover Division - Officer Hairston (From May, 2005)
1. 1121 Seneca Pl. - Theft from Motor vehicle - stole items
2. 4825 Gilmore Dr. - Damage to property (auto)
3. 805 Seneca Pl. - Larceny at Pinewood School, stole vacuum
4. 130 Hollyday Ct. - Assault (arguing)
5. 4800 Wedgewood Dr. - Aggravated assault, person punched victim after car crash on Tyvola
6. 4915 Horton Ct. - Harassing phone calls
7. 5224 Baker Dr. - Fraud; older couple gave a person a check to resurface their driveway with a
fiberglass product and seal cracks. The person charged them $1700.00 and only applied white paint.
8. 4211 Murrayhill Rd. - Attempted Auto Theft; threw a brick through the window and tried to
steal the vehicle
9. 1101 Tyvola Rd. - Assault
South Division - Officer Monroe's new partner, Officer Scott Delduca presented crime stats (From
May, 2005)
1. 5800 Farmbrook Dr. - Burglary - forcible entry at Monclaire School. TV & VCR were stolen.
2. 5400 Chedworth - Attempted suicide
3. 5600 Seacroft Rd. - Larceny/Theft - over $200 from 1988 Honda. Anyone can get a key off the
internet to open these Hondas.
4. 5800 Farmbrook Dr. - Burglary - forcible Entry at Monclaire School.
5. 1400 Emerywood Dr. - Larceny/Theft - Under $50
6. 5200 Londonderry Rd. - Hit & Run
7. 1800 Emerywood Dr. - Burglary - Forcible Entry
8. 5400 Chedworth - Vandalism/Damage to property
9. 5300 Farmbrook Dr. - Larceny/Theft - $50 - $99; Purse was left inside a limo and when
recovered, had items missing
PRESENTATION BY: Kevin Myer, Executive Director of the KEEP CHARLOTTE BEAUTIFUL program, a part of
Neighborhood Development Code Enforcement
Groups made up of neighborhood groups, families, youth groups, scout troops, businesses, private
citizens or other civic groups can adopt a street, adopt a neighborhood and/or adopt a stream to
help these areas stay clean and beautiful.
ADOPT A STREET: Groups are required to work at least six time per year to ensure the street is kept
clean and free of debris. Keep Charlotte Beautiful supplies trash bags, orange vests, gloves and
posts signs promoting the cleanup group's name on the route for which it is responsible. The group
is expected to adopt at least 1 mile in the city limits. Once a street is adopted, it will be
monitored to make sure the street is kept clean. These efforts could also qualify for the City's
Matching Grants neighborhood program in which the City will match a dollar amount for labor to help
beautify the neighborhood.
ADOPT A NEIGHBORHOOD: If chosen or selected, Keep Charlotte Beautiful will assist a group to help
keep a neighborhood clean.
ADOPT A STREAM: The commitment is for a group to keep approximately 1/4 mile section of a stream
clean by picking up trash and reporting any pollution problems a minimum of 2 times per year. The
City will provide trash bags, gloves & other materials. Again, a sign is posted recognizing the
One person questioned the sign on Seneca recognizing a group who is supposedly cleaning Little Hope
Creek. She hadn't seen anyone doing any clean-up work on the creek. Kevin said he needs citizens to
help monitor the progress of these groups to make sure the work is actually being kept up.
Kevin said he would hold a 4 hour class on identifying code enforcement issues if we could recruit
10 people to attend.
--SCHOOL REASSIGNMENT - Madison Park has been reassigned from Olympic High School to E.E. Wadell
High School. Will this hurt our property values since this school is perceived as being lower
performing? John Olsakovsky informed us of this change and said that E.E. Wadell is a partial magnet
high school with a college preparatory component. They are adding a language magnet which will
allow those attending Smith Language Academy to continue into a high school language program. They
have also changed their hours to a later start time in hopes of recruiting more people. There is a
large Hispanic population which will attend this school but it is closer to our neighborhood than
--CELENESE PROPERTY BEING DEVELOPED - There was a conflicting meeting going on tonight to discuss
plans for Ryland Homes to develop the Celenese property in the nearby Starmount neighborhood. The
plan according to Debra Campbell who attended this meeting is for 70% townhomes, 30% condos and 851
units total to be built. Their plan goes to City Council next week.
--MATCHING GRANTS PROGRAM - Sue Valentine-Plyer informed us about this City program in which a
neighborhood can get up to $25,000 in matching grants for neighborhood improvements. The program
matches dollar for dollar of investment into a neighborhood or it will match $13 per hour of labor
for work performed. It will also match professional fees for professional work done to improve a
neighborhood. We must be an active association and when volunteering, you must document your time
and work. This program would allow us to purchase signs denoting our neighborhood name which could
be placed throughout our neighborhood.
TYVOLA RD. TRAFFIC STUDY - Results showed that 90% of the cars were speeding.
BAKER STREET RECOUNT - Chip Gallup with CDOT said he would recount Baker Street in the fall to
see if we can reach that 1000 vehicle count. Hopefully with holiday traffic at South Park this will
increase the cut-throughs on Baker allowing a 4-way stop at Baker and Cooper.
CDOT said they could not switch the stop signs from Cooper to Baker. Two reasons: (1) the slow
traffic route always stops 99.9% of the time, and (2) if they were to switch the signs frequent
drivers may not be alert and this could cause a crash.
--SCHOOL RIBBON CUTTING AT PINEWOOD - Marty delivered a potted plant to the Principal along with a
card congratulating her, Nancy Guzman, on being NC Top Principal for the Year!
--NATIONAL NIGHT OUT - Tuesday, August 2, 2005, from 7p.m. to 9p.m. there will be a street party!!
We are still deciding on which street to use but it will be blocked off. We will be having Ice
Cream, Watermelon and Lemonade and hopefully, will also have some type of entertainment. This is a
national event to promote safe neighborhoods.
--LITTLE SUGAR CREEK GREENWAY - There are no plans to change the route behind the treatment plant.
A fence will be installed but pushed back so as not to obstruct from the views along the Greenway.
Our section of Greenway is not scheduled to happen for AT LEAST 5 YEARS due to lack of funding.
Other sections farther south have taken precedence because developers are helping.
--TYVOLA DRIVE STORM DRAIN PROJECT - Marty attended the meeting for this and it will not affect
any homes in our area. The project is happening in part due to planned parking areas at the light
rail station at Tyvola and storm water runoff. The current drain under South Blvd. is inadequate to
handle any additional runoff. The pipe under South will be switched to a larger pipe. The work
will happen next to the Clock Restaurant on South Blvd. and attach to the open ditch currently at
Tyvola Drive. The width of the ditch will be 50 feet. Very similar to what the city did down where
Park Rd. turns heading into Dilworth. The banks will have flood shelves built into them. The
surface will be covered in grass.
--FLOODING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD - If you had recent flooding on Montford, Mockingbird, Wedgewood Dr.
or Bradford, please call 704-336-RAIN to make a formal complaint and have an inspector come out.
Marty has placed details of an e-mail response from Charlotte Storm Water Services on our website:
www.neighborhoodlink.com Madison Park 28210. Some of the homes that flooded are in the flood plain.
If you are not sure you're in the floodplain, you can check the county's real estate database
website, POLARIS: http://maps2.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/website/realestate/ and search for your
address. Another resource is the
Charlotte Website under Storm Water Services:
If you are in the flood plain, then you need to go on the site and fill out the complaint form for
the County. It is important to make documented complaints. The more people complain who are
affected by this problem, the better chance it will be addressed by the city and county.
The South Blvd. project that corrected the flooding in front of the now Home Depot will work on
the current branch from South Blvd. to Bradford. Anytime work has been done, it seems to push the
flooding to a new area!
--TREASURY REPORT - Dee McCandlish reported that as of 5/31/05, we have $290.43 in the treasury
and there are 74 paid members/families.
For updates & new discussions on many of these neighborhood issues, refer to our website:
www.neighborhoodlink.com Madison Park 28210
Our June meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Furr, Secretary
Madison Park Homeowners Association